Monday, February 13, 2023

Walden Pond Hike - February 8 2022

 Wednesday, 8 February 2022, Walden Pond Hike

Hike Leader:  Janet Miller

~5 miles, 10:00 am start from Lincoln, MA

Hikers (20):  Janet, Ann Northup, Barbara Jacobs, Barbara Pike, Betty Salzberg, Dave Balaban, George Stromberg, Jack Mroczkowski, Judy Perrin, Lisa Najavits, Marie Keutmann, Mike Hanauer, Peggy Gelin, Peter Speert, Richard Vignoni, Romaine Randall, Sue Amsel, Susan Broome, Ted Nyder, and William Feiring.

Twenty enthusiastic WWs met up in the parking lot at the Food Project to enjoy a hike in pleasant, mild weather.  Thanks to the owners of the lot, who gave us permission to park there!  We walked towards Baker Bridge Road, where we crossed Rte 126 into the woods heading towards Heywoods Meadow.  There we saw lots of beaver activity, with two lodges and several trees that had been felled by the beavers.  We then headed towards Walden Pond, but took an unusual upland route before dropping down to the site of Thoreau’s cabin.  At least one or two people had not been there before.  From there, we took some hilly, less-used trails on the north side of the pond.  After crossing Rte 126, we stopped at the Walden Pond visitor center with its very nice restrooms.

From there, we continued past Goose Pond and then up to the top of Pine Hill, where we took in the view towards Mt. Wachusett.  We descended the other side of the hill and headed back towards our starting point.  We mostly stayed together as a group, but, towards the end of our hike, some people dropped back and had to phone the leader to make sure they were on the right route.  After a few minutes, the group was reunited.  As we approached our cars, someone pointed out some maple trees that had been tapped to collect sap for the Food Project.  It appears that spring may be just around the corner!

Report by Janet Miller.

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