Monday, February 20, 2023

Callahan State Park hike - February 15, 2022


Wednesday, 15 February 2022, Callahan State Park hike

Hike Leaders:  Margie & Tony Lee

~4.5 miles, 10:00 am start from Framingham, MA

Hikers (17):  Margie, Tony, Ann Northup, Annemarie Altman, Frank Scibilla, Janet Miller, Judy Perrin, Marie Keutmann, Mike Hanauer, Patrick Ward, Rachel Carlson, Renee Rees, Rick Carlson, Sharon Ellis, Susan Broome, Steve Venizelos, and first-timer Kristina Leclaire.

We met at Callahan State Park, at the Edmands Road parking lot.  As we introduced ourselves, Tony suggested people mention what they like most about the Wednesday Wheeler hikes.  Of course, most of us like to get outdoors, but a common theme was enjoying each other’s company.  For the most part we were able to hike double file and I’d say we certainly enjoyed the social engagement.  


The lack of serious mud in the parking lot was an encouraging sign which bore out as we encountered good trail conditions.  We walked briefly on the south side of Edmands Road, and then crossed over to the north side of the park, starting on Pioneer, Wren, Red Tail, and Gibbs Mountain, and including Beebe Pond, Backpacker Trail, Fern, and Six Pack Hill. 


No six packs were awarded at Six Pack Hill, a tradition apparently initiated by a mountain biker who made it up the hill and then determined that his friend, who didn’t make it, should supply the six pack of beer.  However, it was the day after Valentine’s Day, so everyone was awarded a brownie and/or Hershey’s kisses.  There was evidence of beaver work at Beebe Pond, but also evidence of some recent human dam removal work. 


One hiker had to turn around early and had a little difficulty getting back to the parking lot, but did succeed.  Some other hikers cut the hike a little short - the leaders had estimated the distance of the hike, but not the length of time involved.  In retrospect, that might have been helpful so people could plan route revisions in advance, in order to be back at the parking lot by a designated time. 


Five of us enjoyed lunch at the Wayside Inn.  Thanks to all who came – it was a fun day! 

Report by Margie Lee.

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