Monday, April 22, 2024

A Bike Ride from Revolution Hall - April 17, 2024


Wednesday, 17 April 2024, A Bike Ride from Revolution Hall

Ride Leader:  Gene Ho

33.2 miles, 11:00 am start from Lexington, MA

Riders (16):  Gene, Barry Nelson, Bill Perry, Bill Widnall, Don Mannes, Frank Aronson, Frank Calabrese, Gerry Sheetoo, John Ho, Julie Dodd, Kim Wach, Linda Nelson, Mark Friedman, Susan Sabin, Zach Woods, and first-timer Scott Mandell.

All riders registered and, shockingly, actually showed up.  And, on time too!  Maybe the venue had something to do with this - a brew pub with a fan base that includes many CRW members.

Bill Widnall biked to the start with sad news - he's sold his Mazda RX-7 - once an offbeat, quirky sports car with an unorthodox engine, but now a serious collectible.

An uneventful start became mildly eventful when a loose fender started mouthing off at its owner by imitating a baseball card in the spokes.  As we all learn, sooner or later, mechanical problems fall into 2 categories:

     1.   Things that move but shouldn't.  Solution - duct tape

     2.  Things that don't move but should.  Solution - WD40

#1 applied in this case.  No one had duct tape, but Don saved the day with a roll of black electrical tape.  A couple of wraps in the right spot and we were underway in silence.

Heading towards our snack stop in Carlisle, some maundered en route, many meandered, and a few of us just moseyed along.  Most made it to Fern’s for a quick 45-minute snack.  A select few, unencumbered by reliable navigation, discovered a few shortcuts through the wilds of Carlisle and arrived early at the pub for a head start on the brews.  Fortunately, they left a bit for the later finishers.

Sheltered souls that many of us are, we were pleased to discover a new, to us, system of trigger warnings - the IBU scale.  No, it's not the International Brotherhood of Undertakers, it's the International Bitterness Unit.  The pub is self-serve and each spigot is labeled with the offering's name, description, ABV, and IBU #.  The higher the IBU number, the more bitter or hoppy it tastes.  Since any scale needs calibration, I personally undertook this effort as a service to the imbibing public.  After a sufficient sample size, I can confidently state that a high IBU number really can overwhelm any other of the beer's attributes.  The pub's management actively encourages advancing the state of the art and urges patrons to determine this for themselves with as many data points as possible.

Report by Gene Ho.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Two Rozzie Rides - April 10, 2024


Wednesday, 10 April 2024, Two Rozzie Rides

Ride Leader:  David Wean

22 miles, 10:00 am start from Roslindale, MA


Riders (5):  David, Cynthia Zabin, Elsa Lawrence, Frank Aronson, and Jim Campen.

Present for two-mile section of ride:  Selig Saltzman.


This was a combination of two of the dozen short Rozzie Rides that RozzieBikes has offered as evening rides over the past three summers.  The idea is to show people that "you CAN get there from here" via relatively low-stress routes from our neighborhood.  Emphasis is on bike infrastructure of various types, new facilities, and interesting destinations.


“Infra” included a bike/bus lane, sidewalk level cycle tracks, park roads, a wide parkway bike lane resulting from a road diet, traditional off-street bike paths, painted bike lanes (both "protected" and "unprotected"), a pedestrian footbridge, contra-flow bike lanes, a separate bike signal that actually was useful, a closed-off service road, a barrier separating neighborhoods (but permeable by bikes).  


The first route took us along much of the Emerald Necklace.  We rode through a slice of the Arnold Arboretum, along the Jamaicaway and Muddy River, and continued over the restored Carlton Street footbridge (where we found Selig waiting for us).  After we crossed the BU Bridge to Cambridge, Jim joined us, and we briefly rode along the Charles, returning to Boston over the Harvard Bridge.  We followed Mass Ave to reach the Southwest Corridor, which led back through Jamaica Plain, back into the Arboretum where we ascended Peters Hill (the second highest point in the city of Boston), and rolled back down to Roslindale Square.  


The second route took us up to the Bellevue Hill water tanks (the highest point in Boston), rolling down through Stony Brook Reservation, along some newly paved paths, and eventually reaching one of Boston's urban wilds in Hyde Park.  We returned via the Rozzie Wiggle, a low-stress (and non-hilly) connection between Roslindale and Hyde Park.  


Lunch was enjoyed by four of us at Fornax Bakery in Roslindale Square.  


This was an unusual ride for the Wednesday Wheelers, in that only one of the riders drove to the ride.  Two riders were local, one rode from home, and two were picked up along the way (one a surprise!). 


Report by David Wean.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

October Farm spring hike - March 27, 2024


27 March 2024, October Farm spring hike

Hike Leader:  Jack Mroczkowski

4+ miles, 10:00 am start from Concord, MA


Hikers (11):  Jack, Annemarie Altman, Betty Salzberg, David Wean, George Stromberg, Janet Miller, Kristina Leclaire, Lynell Stromberg, Marie Keutmann, Richard Vignoni, and Susan Broome.


The trails on this hike meandered through a wide range of scenery:  the Concord River, ponds, trees, and winding paths.  On the first figure-8 loop, we crossed into Brewster Woods - a museum may open there later this year.  On the second loop, everybody summited three small hills, including Rich Vignoni who only a few months ago had major foot surgery.  Kudos to Rich for being so brave!


Amongst the wildlife seen were two swans, several Canada geese, and the first mosquito of the season.


Report by Jack Mroczkowski.

Photos courtesy of Kristina Leclaire.