Wednesday, 28 August 2019, North Shore rides
Ride Leaders: Jim White & Karen Saltus
33 or 49 miles, 10:00 am start from Rusty Can parking lot, Byfield, MA
Riders - 33 mi (11): Jim, Dave Balaban, James Hsia, Margaret Coughlin, Mike Barry, Neil Martin, Patty Grasso, Paula Bossone, Rich Taylor, Ron Marland, and first-timer, Tim MacDonald.
Riders - 49 mi (7+) Karen, Chris Vela, Frank Aronson, Frank Hubbard, Geoff Allard, Jerry Skurla, and Rochelle Holman, with a brief appearance by Everett Briggs.
Eighteen cyclists came to Byfield to ride on a near perfect August day - but with a potential for rain after 1:00 pm. Jim White (assisted by Paula Bossone) led the 33 mile group of eleven cyclists and Karen Saltus led the 49 mile group of seven cyclists. Both routes followed the 2019 NSC Century options, except that they started at the Rusty Can restaurant.
The 33 mile group stayed mostly within eyesight of each other and hardly needed human arrows, but thanks to those who did arrow. Paula led the group as Jim, the official ride leader, felt it was best to be the sweep, as he is adept at fixing flats and other mechanical mishaps - fortunately we had none. Tim left the route early, due to an appointment. Ron did not wish to pause at the first pit stop at the West Newbury Town Offices and we never saw him again. Since the rides were arrowed, people had the option of riding independently.
When we reached Highland Road in Newbury at about 12:30 pm, the skies had darkened and we felt some light sprinkles. Paula and I agreed that we had two optional short cuts to return sooner if needed. We gave the group the option of shortening the route, but it was unanimous that, from looking at the radar on their phones (of course), the risk was low and we finished the complete route with mostly sun the rest of the way. Eight people stayed for lunch at the Rusty Can, where we enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere and good BBQ.
Report by Jim White.
It was a gorgeous day and more than once I heard, “It doesn’t get any better than this!” Shortly after leaving, seven riders turned onto a road at the same time as a rider coming from the opposite direction. It turned out to be Everett - and then there were eight riders. However, almost immediately, Everett and Frank Hubbard left the rest of us in their dust - and then there were six.
We rode along the Merrimac River, down quiet, beautiful roads. “It doesn’t get any better than this!” We cycled past marshes, lovely gardens, and through quaint towns. We stopped for a quick snack and Everett came up behind us and then quickly disappeared ahead of us. One rider left to get home early - and then there were five. Shortly after, Geoff left to catch the train back to Boston - and then there were four. We rode into the parking lot together, but Rochelle had to leave to meet a friend. And then there were three who enjoyed a wonderful lunch with new friends.
The leader, who forgot her phone handlebar mount because she was packing for a two-week cycling trip in Quebec, wishes to thank the riders who kept her on the route, as well as the North Shore Cyclists for the easy-to-follow arrows. Thanks also to Jimmy for a fantastic route!
Report by Karen Saltus.
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