Monday, August 5, 2019

Aggie’s Ice Cream Ride - July 31, 2019


Wednesday, 31 July 2019, Aggie’s Ice Cream Ride
Ride Leader: Karen Saltus
33 or 43 mi, 10:30 am start from Kittery Lion’s Club, Kittery, ME
Riders (6): Karen, Bill Lane, Patty Grasso, Rochelle Holman, Russ Keene, and first-timer, Sami Elamin.

It was a hot and humid day, but five intrepid cyclists made their way north to Kittery for great riding and ice cream.

One rider realized, as soon as he arrived, that he had forgotten his front wheel, so the leader made a quick phone call to a local bike shop. The rider drove there and returned with a borrowed wheel in about twenty minutes. The group decided to wait for him to start, since we knew it wouldn’t take long.

We rode along beautiful and quiet back roads, mostly on the Eastern Trail/East Coast Greenway/USBRS 1, and sometimes along the Piscataqua River. We arrived at Aggie’s Ice Cream just as they were opening. After cooling down with treats in the shade, we looped back toward the route we had taken. The leader asked if anyone was interested in seeing a local “bike museum” and heard a resounding “yes!”. It was only about 1/10 of a mile off our route, but unfortunately the owner wasn’t home. We peeked in the windows and saw dozens and dozens of bikes, including many high wheelers, as well as bikes from the 1920s, 1930s, etc. It was suggested that the leader contact the owner, the next time she leads a WW ride, and arrange for an official stop there.

We also took a slight detour, on a beautiful little loop road, to see if there was blueberry picking at a local spot, but a sign indicated that the berries were still ripening and there was no picking that day.

Two riders with a time crunch peeled off and took a more direct route back, while the rest of us continued on flat to rolling terrain back to the start. With the high temperatures and humidity, it was a challenging day to ride, but everyone agreed that they were glad that they had made the trip and enjoyed the ride immensely.

Report by Karen Saltus.

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