Friday, November 13, 2015
Ride Leader: Jack Donohue
35 miles, 10:00 am start from Bedford Public Library, Bedford, MA
Riders (27): Jack, Ann Northup, Barbara Jacobs, Bernie Flynn, Bob Wadsworth, Bob (AKA the stalker) Wolf, Clyde Kessel, Curt Dudley-Marling, David Wean, Dmitry Gorenburg, Elizabeth Wicks, Francie Sparks, Frank Hubbard, Fred Newton, Gene Ho, Herb Kavet, Ilkka Suvvanto, Jim Cant, Judi Burten, Karen Featherstone, Larry Kernan, Marie Keutmann, Maurice King, Peggy Gelin, Steve Robins, Susan Sabin, and Wick Doggett..
Friday, November 13, 2015
Ride Leader: Jack Donohue
35 miles, 10:00 am start from Bedford Public Library, Bedford, MA
Riders (27): Jack, Ann Northup, Barbara Jacobs, Bernie Flynn, Bob Wadsworth, Bob (AKA the stalker) Wolf, Clyde Kessel, Curt Dudley-Marling, David Wean, Dmitry Gorenburg, Elizabeth Wicks, Francie Sparks, Frank Hubbard, Fred Newton, Gene Ho, Herb Kavet, Ilkka Suvvanto, Jim Cant, Judi Burten, Karen Featherstone, Larry Kernan, Marie Keutmann, Maurice King, Peggy Gelin, Steve Robins, Susan Sabin, and Wick Doggett..
Things went pretty smoothly (no pun intended) for the beginning of the ride. I gave riders the option of skipping the "Significant Climb" and some took me up on it. The ride looped back after the climb, so they had naught to do but wait for us to return.
There had been some concern at the start about the location of rest stops, which I admitted I hadn't thought through. When we got near the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, I suggested we go off route a bit, to the pond near the trail that was equipped with a portajohn. I figured we could take a break, enjoy the view, enjoy the portajohn. I took off and very few followed. It seems the group would rather just soldier on. So we had another schism - the peckish people decided not to delay lunch any more and took off while we were enjoying our rest stop. This made my leader job even easier, though I was concerned whether they could find their way sans leader and sweep.
We were down to eight at this point, then picked up a few more. When we got to Carlisle center, I asked if people wanted to cut the ride short by just going straight down Rte 225, and got a resounding "yes." So we made a beeline for Ken's Deli (no relation to our Ken), where we found some of the speedy group eating al fresco in the warm sun. The whereabouts of the second breakaway group was undetermined.
Perhaps because of the smooth roads there were no mechanicals. There were, however, two FDGBs - one related to wet leaves, the other to a spontaneous upset at rest.
Strangest part of the ride was when we had a pop-up shower while the sun was shining.
Thanks to Clyde for sweeping (and not leaving us by going home when the opportunity presented itself).
Picture album on Facebook:
(If you took pictures and would like to share, you should be able to add them to this album, If not, let me know -- Jack. )
Report by Jack Donohue.
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