Wednesday, November 25, 2015, Day Before Turkey Day (DBTD) rides & party
Ride Leaders: Bob Apsler, Rudge McKenney, & John Allen
36, 27 & 16 miles, staggered starts (10:00, 10:30, & 11:00 am) from Holi, Bedford, MA
Riders - 36 mi (11): Bob, Bill Lane, Curt Dudley-Marling, Francie Sparks, Gene Ho, Karen Saltus, Lindy King, Rich Taylor, Selig Saltzman, Tim Wilson, and first-timer Cecilia Scimia.
Riders - 27 mi (15): Rudge, Barry Nelson, Don Mannes, Gardner Gray, Jack Donohue, James Hsia, Joanne Samuels, Kathy Horvath, Linda Nelson, Richard Bowen, Richard Vignoni, Robyn Maislin, Steve Maislin, Susan Sabin, and first-timer Pat Brennan.
Riders - 16 mi (6): John, Barbara Jacobs, Butch Pemstein, Judi Burten, Marie Keutmann, and Mike Hanauer.
Present for lunch only (5): Adena Schutzberg, Bob Sawyer, Bob Wolf, Helen Greitzer, and Mike Counihan.
With the morning temperature well below the predicted 39 degrees, the ride leader was determined to depart promptly at 10:00 am. Alas, a recalcitrant floor pump foiled this plan, but taught a lesson. One participant’s efforts to top off her tire resulted in the opposite – loss of all air. The ride leader and others assumed it had to be a puncture. Their mistake delayed discovery of the cause - a defective floor pump. Lesson: sometimes the least likely option is the correct one. All went well thereafter. We regrouped at the crest of every substantial hill and, as a result, needed few arrows due to the group remaining compact. Perceived temperature was milder than expected, due to the presence of sun and absence of wind. Quiet back roads, often newly repaved, dominated the occasional forays onto busy arteries. Many thanks to the ever reliable Selig for sweeping.
The staggered start times worked marvelously. Long riders mingled with short and medium riders at the restaurant. On some past rides, where all ride options started at the same time, long riders arrived after most others had departed from the lunch stop.
Report by Bob Apsler.
We started the ride, with fifteen riders on fourteen bicycles, from Holi restaurant in Bedford. It was a brisk November morning, but the shining sun gave all hope and comfort. A long stretch down Rte 62 took us to Concord center where we veered right to avoid the tourists, shoppers, and other pedestrian types. With historical landmarks on our left and right, we plowed forward over bridge and dale to the comfort of winding roads, farms, and livestock. Of special note was the sighting of a fox preparing to celebrate the holiday with a chicken neatly tucked away in its mouth!
Another long stretch down Lowell Road and into Carlisle which we circled most of the morning. We regrouped at Kate’s Corner, the apex of our journey, and commenced our return home. However, the temptation of Great Brook Farm lured the happy riders for one more stop in hopes of finding ice cream and other such holiday treats. But, alas, we had to settle for restrooms and the lingering aroma of the neighbor’s cows' leftovers. Up the hills and down the hills, we finally reached Rte 225 and the last stretch back to Bedford.
Special thanks to Kathy Horvath for sweeping the ride.
Report by Rudge McKenney.
Having found no designated route for the short ride, I used the medium ride route with a shortcut. The group of six rode at a relaxed pace. We stopped at the Minuteman National Historic Park parking lot on Monument Street in Concord, only to find that restrooms were closed; however, those at the Visitor Center on Liberty Street were open. Turning from Concord Street, Carlisle, onto quiet but hilly Russell Street, and again at the Carlisle library, we determined to take
Rte 225 back to Holi restaurant, so as to arrive by 1:00 pm, which we did. As there were no more turns at that point, a couple of ride participants went out ahead of the group. Planned mileage was 20 and actual was 16.1.
A fine, sociable lunchtime followed - highlight: 94th birthday greetings and birthday cake for Bob Sawyer, who showed up for lunch on his new electrically-assisted tricycle.
Report by John Allen.
From Jack Donohue - "Here's a link to the Facebook album with my pictures:"
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