Wednesday, December 9, 2015, Ride or Hike & Hanukkah party
Ride Leaders: Bob Wolf & Tom Allen
34 & 23 miles, 10:30 am starts from Marie's house, Lincoln, MA Hike Leader & Party Host: Marie Keutmann
~4 miles, 11:00 am start from Marie's house, Lincoln, MA
Riders - 34 mi (15): Bob, Barry Nelson, Bernie Flynn, Bob Wadsworth, Clyde Kessel, Francie Sparks, Fred Newton, Greg Stathis, Joel Bauman, Karen Saltus, Ken Hablow, Lindy King, Rich Taylor, Russ Keene, and Wing Chow.
Riders - 23 mi (8): Tom, Arthur Teepe, Butch Pemstein, Joanne Samuels, John Allen, Robyn Maislin, Susan Sabin, and first-timer Harriet Fell.
Hikers (21): Marie, Adena Schutzberg, Barbara Jacobs, Barry Kaditz, Bob Anderson, Carol Anderson, Chuck McWilliams, Edie Baxter, Elsa Lawrence, Ilkka Suvanto, Jack Mroczkowski, Jacque Smith, Joan Laxson, Judith McMichael, Kaz Zelny, Mary Counihan, Mike Counihan, Mike Hanauer, Sander Nydick, Winnie Parker, and first-timer Julie Stephenson.
Party only (11): Ann Northup, Betty Hoffman, Doug Hobkirk, Eli Post, Jerry Green, Joel Covitz, Kathy Halmi, Margie Lee, Michael Levine, Patrick Ward, and Richard Mandel.
Kitchen Crew (2): Helen Greitzer & Richard Vignoni.
Thirteen riders set out on the long ride which Bob Wolf gamely led despite having a flu-like bug. The ride went through Sudbury, Maynard, Stow, Acton, Concord, and Lincoln. There were no mechanical issues. The riders, who observed the hikers crossing Rte 117, arrived back at Marie's moments after the hikers, in plenty of time to enjoy the party and the delicious food.
Ride report by Marie Keutmann.
Our group of nine (?) riders was anxious to get going after the departure of the long ride group. Folks were bouncing up and down in the chilly air, so we set out following the route of the long ride for about seven miles before branching off. We did spot a wild turkey along side of the road, but since Richard already had a turkey on the oven, we didn't stop.
We departed from the long ride route at Willis Road in Sudbury and headed north. (Our route was not published in the ride announcement email, so here it is.) Importantly, we passed (and stopped at) a convenient Dunkin Donuts for refreshment and, mainly, relief. We then rode some very nice roads in South Acton and on into West Concord, where Butch's Port-a-Potty radar got a hit (see photo).
Despite being the first group to return to the party scene, we were all well behaved, sampling only carrots and celery while waiting for others to finish their outings.
Thanks to Butch for sweeping.
Ride report by Tom Allen.
Marie led an approximately four mile hike from her house, around Farrar Pond on trails that have lots of ups and downs and nice views. We did some bushwhacking on private property, but everyone was well behaved and we were not caught. Our reward was the sumptuous turkey and fixings prepared by Richard and Helen, plus delicious appetizers, sides, and desserts brought by many WWs.
Hike report by Marie Keutmann.
There were fifty-one people at the party, setting a new Hanukkah party attendance record! While the bikers and hikers were out on the roads and the trail, the cooks were active, with Richard cooking two turkeys, one on the gas grill outside and one in the oven. Helen and Richard also made applesauce. Latkes this year were frozen and just needed to be heated in the oven. With Barbara Jacob’s kugels and the many appetizers, side dishes, and desserts brought by others, there was plenty of food to go around and lots of leftovers.
After lively conversations and people stuffing themselves with food, Sander lit the Hanukkah candles in the menorah and recited the blessing. This was followed by Joanne’s orchestration of the Yankee Swap. There was a wide selection of gifts ranging from the practical, such as wine and gift certificates for Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, to the novel, such as a Red Sox bobblehead (not sure which player).
Thanks to Bob Wolf, Tom Allen, and Butch Pemstein for leading the rides, to Richard and Helen for the cooking, and to those who stayed around and helped with the cleanup. And, of course, thanks to all those who contributed and participated to make the party such a great success.
Party report by Marie Keutmann.