Sunday, August 25, 2024

Island Cruise - August 21, 2024


Wednesday, 21 August 2024, Island Cruise
Ride Leader:  Alan Cantor
36 miles, 10:00 am start from Sherborn

Riders (18):  Alan, 
Aiko Pinkoski, Aliza Edwards, Bill Perry, Charley Lax, Christine Talbot, Dave Balaban, Everett Briggs, Francie Sparks, Frank Aronson, Frank Calabrese, Gary Williams, Gene Ho, Janusz Wicher, Kim Wach, Renee Rees, Richard French, and Simon Lingard.


On what may have been the most beautiful day of this summer, we had a really wonderful ride on mostly smooth roads.  The riders make the ride and this was a fantastic group with lots of good spirit and energy.  It was a pleasure to lead them. 


On a sour note, however, I learned at ride’s end that an arrow had left their post early (before the sweep had released them).  It’s the human arrowing system that makes the WW rides so unique and available to riders of all abilities, so to hear that it broke down is very disturbing.  There is an easy way to not be an arrow, and that is to not ride near the leader. 


There was a mechanical issue when one of the bikes had a motor failure and could not continue.  AAA came to the rescue!  Yes, AAA provides rides for bikers that break down (I had used this service earlier this year and was very pleased - well worth the membership fee).


Thanks to the many arrows who remained at their posts until being released by the sweep, and to Gene for patiently and ably being the sweep.

Report by Alan Cantor.


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