Monday, May 27, 2024

Circling Cape Ann - May 22, 2024


Wednesday, 22 May 2024, Circling Cape Ann [67 mile remote option]

Ride Leader:  Clyde Kessel
67 miles, 9:30 am start from Wenham, MA

Riders (5):  Clyde, Everett Briggs, Gerry Sheetoo, Wing Chow, and first-timer Nick Lepeshkin.

For those of you who were sleeping during High School Chemistry class, here is a little remedial info.  Boron is element 5 in the periodic table and has two electrons in the 1s orbital which are very tightly bound to the atom.  The other three electrons (the valence electrons) are in the 2s and 2p orbitals and are much more loosely bound to the atom.

There were five riders for the long version of the Cape Ann ride.  Wing, Everett, and Nick declared that they would not be part of the group - they would be off doing their own thing.  That left us with two tightly-bound riders and three loosely-bound riders.  The group, therefore, resembled a Boron atom.  We started out in the +1 ionization state (ie. missing one electron-rider), very quickly went to the +2 ionization state, and just as quickly back to +1.  The +1 state lasted until we got to the fish pier in Gloucester, when “Everett the Disruptor” made a wrong turn and stripped us all the way to the +4 ionization state.  That is very unfavorable energetically, so we got back to +2 in short order.  The +2 ion seemed quite happy and stable and lasted all the way to the lunch stop at the Cove Cafe in Lanesville.  At that point, Clyde and Gerry voted unanimously to shorten the route by returning directly to the cars, so a happy B+3 ion made it back to the start several hours earlier than scheduled.

We had no arrows and no sweep.  However, the ride leader wishes to thank Nick for the ride there and back again.

Report by Clyde Kessel.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024, Circling Cape Ann [32 mile core option]

Ride Leader:  Richard Vignoni
32 miles, 10:00 am start from Gloucester, MA

Riders (17):  Richard, Barbara Jacobs, Christine Corr, Dale Ferguson, Don Mannes, Francie Sparks, Gene Ho, Lynne O’Riorden, Marie Keutmann, Nancy Smith, Neil MacGaffey, Ron Marland, Scott Mandell, Shawn Corr, Simon Lingard, Ted Nyder, and first-timer Dennis McCafferty.

With oppressive heat forecast for inland areas, seventeen riders were greeted with a refreshing 68 degrees for the 10:00 am ride start at Stage Fort Park.  The group included familiar faces, as well as some new to WW.  After an orientation and safety talk we headed out.

We proceeded pretty much as advertised, taking in the sites along the way, including the Gloucester Fish Pier with a few huge fishing boats at dock, the Rocky Neck artist colony, Eastern Point Light, Good Harbor Beach, and Lobster Cove.  We made a brief stop to view the Angela Rose, the boat used in the movie CODA, which was moored across the harbor from the fish pier.

Lunch was at Destino’s sub shop a few miles from the end of the ride.  While the weather gods were very good to us, giving us cool temps with bright blue skies, someone must have ticked off the traffic gods as the traffic heading back was horrible.  Our thanks to Dale for sweeping and to all those who arrowed and participated.

Report by Richard Vignoni.

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