Monday, February 14, 2022

Hike the Wilds of Wellesley III - February 9, 2022


Wednesday, 9 February 2022, Hike the Wilds of Wellesley III

Hike Leader:  Susan Sabin

5+ miles, 10:00 am start from Wellesley, MA

Hikers (7):  Susan, Carol Anderson, David Wean, Margie Lee, Marie Keutmann, Tom Allen, and Tony Lee.

A day that promised and delivered ice melt was also very icy underfoot.  Luckily, we all donned our microspikes before we set out.  The “high road” proved too steep, even for those super-duper microspikes, so we crossed the woods that led to the aqueduct on the “low road" which was tricky enough.  We all agreed, however, that ice was preferable to mud.

Then onto the aqueduct which was a slalom course of puddles, ice, and exposed grass.  When we got to the Wellesley Country Club we took off our microspikes for the walk across their parking lot.  Much of the Babson walk was on shoveled paths, but when we headed onto some backwoods trails leading to the Olin campus, the microspikes went on again.  Off again as we crossed some athletic fields on the way back from Olin to Babson.  On again (for several of us) approaching the country club, then off through the parking lot, and on for the aqueduct and trails beyond.  

It turns out that putting-on and taking-off microspikes provides significant exercise.  After five-plus miles and four on/off microspike changes, no one opted for the extra one-mile loop around Longfellow Pond.  

A great group, a great time, great weather.  Thanks to Margie and David for the photos.  

Report by Susan Sabin.

Photos courtesy of Margie Lee and David Wean.

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