Thursday, September 26, 2019

ME Seacoast rides - September 18, 2019


Wednesday, 18 September 2019, ME Seacoast rides
Ride Leaders:  Ken Hablow & Susan Sabin

60, 57, or 38 miles, 10:30 am start from Odiorne Point Boat Launch, Rye, NH

Riders - 60 mi (1):  Ron Cater.

Riders - 57 mi (13):  Ken, Barbara Martin, Bernie Flynn, Curt Dudley-Marling, Gerry Sheetoo, Jack Donohue, Julie Dodd, Kathy Horvath, Lindy King, Richard Lawrence, Rochelle Holman, Rudge McKenney, and Russ Keene.

Riders - 38 mi (6):  Susan, Bob Wadsworth, Doug Hobkirk, Gary Williams, James Hsia, and Selig Saltzman.

 It was a glorious day as we set out from the Odiorne Point Boat Launch in Rye, NH, on the 60 mile route.  It was comfortably cool, sunny, with a brisk northerly wind which was fully appreciated on the southerly return from Ogunquit.

 After a quick spin through Newcastle, then through Portsmouth and across the bridge into Kittery, we started our ride along the coast to Ogunquit.  With a very compatible group, we did not need arrows or a sweep.  We made our mandatory stop at Nubble Light, then continued along the shore through Cape Neddick to Ogunquit for a short lunch stop.  Since Ron Cater was the only one who wished to climb Mt. Agamenticus, we let him go ahead and the rest of us short-cutted the road to the mountain and continued on a very serene and quiet inland return.

 Report by Ken Hablow.

 Photo by Barbara Martin.

This is a story that begins at the end . . . . .

After our very beautiful ride, for which nature and Ken may take full credit, Ken and I compared notes by email.  It seems that he and his group finished before me and my very small contingent - so I feel the need to explain!

After arriving at Nubble light, Gary (who had a time commitment) left us to return to Rye on his own.  Bob and Doug, who had started wth Ken's group, joined Selig, James and me and our little group headed out for the return to NH.

Back in Kittery, we decided to eat at Warren's, just before the bridge to Portsmouth.  The food was great, but the service amazingly slow.  We left the restaurant sometime before the dinner crowd descended and then proceeded to get lost.  It took a few consultations for us to agree to backtrack to the point at which we knew we would be on track.  At that point (having added an extra mile to our total), we finally re-started and finished the four or five miles back to the boat launch in Rye.

It was a gorgeous day and ride and, for me at least, the late return took nothing away from the enjoyment.

Report by Susan Sabin.

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