Sunday, May 26, 2019

Cape Ann Loop with Remote Start - May 22, 2019

Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Cape Ann Loop with Remote Start
Ride Leaders:  Richard Vignoni and Selig Saltzman
67 miles, 9:30 am start from Gordon College, Wenham
31 miles, 10:00 am start from Stage Fort Park, Gloucester

Riders - 67 mi (12):  Richard, Bob Wadsworth, Bruce Lederer, Dan Bertko, Francie Sparks, Gary Williams, Gerry Sheetoo, Greg Stathis, Jerry Skurla, Russ Keene, Steve Miller, and first-timer Alan Foster.
Riders - 31 mi (11):  Selig, Adena Schutzberg, Chuck McWilliams, David Fay, James Hsia, Kaz Zelny, Margaret Coughlin, Richard Fortier, Rochelle Holman, Sally Chapman, and Susan Sabin.

Twelve riders headed out from Gordon College, working their way along the coast and taking in the usual loops through Kettle Cove and Magnolia.  At Stage Fort Park, people adjusted their clothing, as the weather had warmed to near perfect cycling temperatures.  We biked behind the buildings at the State Fish Pier where several large fishing boats were docked.  From there, we biked to the end of the Rocky Neck artist colony and into the Gloucester Marine Railway’s yard to view a large vintage sailing vessel, in dry dock and undergoing major repairs.  We continued along the coast making the usual loops which included Eastern Point Light and Good Harbor Beach.  After circling Lobster Cove, we biked over the wooden foot bridge, then on to our lunch stop at Willows Rest where we found Selig’s core ride group finishing up their lunches.  Several riders, having time constraints, headed back to their cars while the rest of us ate outside enjoying the fabulous food.  After lunch, we headed out on Rte 133 through the marshes of Essex, visiting Conomo Point where we hung out for a bit to enjoy the views.  We then headed inland where we passed several horse farms.  A flat towards the end of our ride contributed to our getting back to Gordon College a little later than planned.

Not only were the weather gods good to us, but the traffic gods were as well, with very light traffic on Rte 128.  Breaking tradition, there was no Everett biking in from Cambridge and meeting us en route.  All in all, it was a great day of cycling.

Thanks to Steve and Gerry, for sweeping, and to all those who arrowed and participated.

Report by Richard Vignoni.

The core ride stopped at some art historical sites and at various scenic view points.  The unusually clear horizon made it possible to see the Boston skyline, the NH coast, and a mountain in ME.  Lunch at Willow Rest seemed to be enjoyed by all.  There were no mishaps and the many arrows and our excellent sweep, Adena, performed their jobs well.

Report by Selig Saltzman.

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