Wednesday, 18 July 2018, Roll over Dover
Ride Leaders: Kathy Horvath & Curt Dudley-Marling
35 or 50 miles, 10:00 am start from Nahanton Park, Newton, MA
Riders – 35 mi (16): Kathy, Brett Serkez, Clyde Kessel, Don Buchholtz, Gene Ho, Harriet Fell, Ilkka Suvanto, Irv Kurki, Jim Whinfield, John Allen, Ron Marland, Roy Westerberg, Sally Chapman, and first-timers Joan Sarles, Bob Keller, and Rick Stimpfle.
Riders – 50 mi (14): Curt, Alan Cantor, Barbara Martin, Catherine Schroeder, Celia Donatio, Dave Balaban, Everett Briggs, Frank Hubbard, Lindy King, Sandy Gotlib, Steve Delaney, Veronica Vedensky, Wing Chow, and first-timer Wing Chow (?!).
Present at (Panera) lunch (4): Brett Serkez, Clyde Kessel, Everett Briggs, and Helen Greitzer. Others may have lunched elsewhere, but there have been no reports of such activity . . . . .
The weather was spectacular and the riders courteous, patient, and was eager to ride and enjoy the beautiful weather. The leader cannot take credit for either of these. She does learn something new each time, however. In this instance she learned that when you change a start location on a GPS file, sometimes other parts of the route change, too.
Despite a couple of problems with navigation, the group was congenial and quickly volunteered to arrow as needed. We discovered a rest stop (thanks to Gene’s guidance) at Farm Pond, which has restrooms and a very kindly staff who assisted a rider with road rash from a slow speed spill. We enjoyed the lovely, shady streets, regrouped a couple of times after hills, and saluted Bob Keller who was not only new, but on his second ride of the season. Bravo! And, as always, special thanks to our sweep, Harriet.
Report by Kathy Horvath.
Farther. Faster. Funner. The weather was perfect and the route was lovely. All seemed to agree that it was especially nice to ride on roads less traveled – by us at least.
The pace was quick – I often found myself “leading from the middle” (for this I blame our new puppy who does not yet sleep through the night) – but everyone managed to keep up and we stopped to regroup only once or twice. We had an extended stop at the Richdale Foodstore in Millis which offered a wide variety of Hostess gourmet desserts and, more importantly, restrooms.
Thanks to Kathy for organizing the ride and to Steve who was our sweep (your check is in the mail, Steve). Overall, a great ride with great people.
Report by Curt Dudley-Marling.
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