Wednesday, 23 May 2018, Cape Ann Loop with Remote Start
Ride Leaders: Richard Vignoni and Gardner (Sandy) Gray
67 mi - 9:30 am start from Gordon College, Wenham, MA
31 mi – 10:00 am start from Stage Fort Park, Gloucester, MA
Riders - 67 mi (17): Richard, Andy Brandt, Barbara Martin, Bob Apsler, Dan Krechmer, Everett Briggs (who rode from home), Gene Ho, Greg Stathis, Kaz Zelny, Kevin Donnelly, Maria Noya, Ray Best, Ray Komow, Russ Keene and first-timers Jim Goldberg, Linda Chasen, and Stephanie Shenton.
Riders - 31 mi (28): Gardner (Sandy), Adele Ferreira, Andrea Clardy, Barbara Gaughan, Barbara Jacobs, Chuck McWilliams, Dale Ferguson, Dave Balaban, David Fay, Dmitry Gorenburg, Elsa Lawrence, Gerry Sheetoo, Jack Donohue, Jack Mroczkowski, Jon Clardy, Joe Tavilla, Judi Burten, Marie Keutmann, Nancy Cahn, Neil Martin, Paul Brandon, Richard Fortier, Rochelle Holman, Ted Nyder, Tom Lawrence, and first-timers Catherine Schroeder, Karen Ontell, and Susan Grieb.
With near perfect weather, seventeen riders showed up at Gordon College for the Cape Ann Remote Start ride option. The group included several first-time WWs and several established WWs who were doing this ride for the first time. Shortly before the planned ride start, the leader had a tire blow-out which delayed the start.
We headed out, working our way up the coast and making the usual loops through Kettle Cove and Magnolia. We biked through Stage Fort Park, then started our way (counterclockwise) around Cape Ann. We rode behind the buildings at the state fish pier where several large fishing boats were docked. We hung out at the end of the fish pier waiting for the remainder of the group, who had been delayed due to the opening of the drawbridge on Rte 127 over the Blynman Canal, to arrive. While the weather gods were good to us, I must have ticked off the tire god, as I had a second flat. Bob Apsler took the group through the Rocky Neck Art Colony, then waited for us at Eastern Point Lighthouse, while Gene, Jim, Russ, and I stayed behind to fix the flat.
After joining the others at the lighthouse, we resumed our journey along the coast, going down the one-way “except for bicycle” street, and past Good Harbor Beach. We biked down the dead end on South Street for the obligatory group photo-op, and took in the views looking back along the coast. We rode over the tricky Pebble Beach dirt road and then it was another four miles to the T pier in Rockport, where we hung out for a bit, used the facilities, and filled our water bottles. We then proceeded along the coast, circling Lobster Cove, and biking over the wooden footbridge. Then it was on to lunch at Willow’s Rest. Here we found some of the riders from the core group, as well as Everett who had gotten ahead of us due to our delayed start.
After lunch, Everett joined our group, keeping alive his longstanding tradition of biking from home and doing the extended route. We headed out Rte 133 through the marshes of Essex, visiting Conomo Point where we lingered to enjoy the views. Then we turned inland, arriving back at Gordon College a little before 5:00 pm. Our average pace of 13.9 mph was a bit more aggressive than the advertised moderate/standard WW pace - my apologies.
Thanks to Kevin and Dan for sweeping the ride, and to all those who arrowed and participated.
Postscript: If two flats in one day weren’t enough, the very next day after the ride, with the car fully loaded for a long weekend getaway, I had a blowout flat on Rte 128, with a two-inch gash in my tire.
Report by Richard Vignoni.
The weather for the Cape Ann core ride was a perfect 10, with blue skies, cool air, and a slight breeze. Shortly after the twenty-nine of us headed out, we had to wait a few extra minutes for the Annisquam River drawbridge (over the Blynman Canal) to be lowered. We then passed the Gloucester Fisherman's Memorial that lists the hundreds of fishermen that have been lost while fishing out of Gloucester, including an uncle after whom I was named.
We then biked behind the buildings at the state fish pier, where several large fishing boats were docked, and on to Eastern Point Lighthouse where we had a good view of Boston to the south. We took our obligatory group photo along beautiful Atlantic Avenue, with the ocean for a backdrop.
Then, to the surprise of my wife, Debbie, we all stopped in at my home on Long Beach for a short break and another look at the ocean. We made the usual stop in downtown Rockport to use the facilities and to fill our water bottles. After our rest stop, we proceeded along the coast, took in the “Stone Zoo,” rode beside Annisquam’s Lobster Cove, and biked over the wooden footbridge. We then broke into two groups: one group heading directly back to the cars and the other riding on to lunch at Willow’s Rest, where we met up with Richard and company.
For a complete photo diary of our ride visit the WW Facebook page at
Report by Gardner Gray.

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