Saturday, December 16, 2017

Winter Walk & Hanukkah Party - December 13, 2017


Wednesday, 13 December 2017, Winter Walk & Hanukkah Party
Walk Leader:  Marie Keutmann
Party Hosts:  Marie Keutmann and Richard Vignoni
~ 4 miles from Marie’s house, 68 Birchwood Lane, Lincoln, MA

Walkers (17 + one canine):  Marie & Zoe, Adena Schutzberg, Barbara Martin, Bob Anderson, Carol Anderson, Chris George, Ilkka Suvanto, Jack Mroczkowski, Janet Miller, Judith McMichael, Karen Saltus, Margie Lee, Richard Fortier, Roy Westerberg, Russ Keene, Sander Nydick, and Tony Lee.

Party Only (25):  Richard, Barbara Jacobs, Bob Wolf, Doug Hobkirk, Eli Post, Elizabeth Wicks, Francie Sparks, Gene Ho, Greg Stathis, Jack Mroczkowski, Joan Laxson, John Allen, Judi Burten, Julie Dodd, Ken Hablow, Mary Counihan, Mike Counihan, Patrick Ward, Richard Mandel, Robyn Maislin, Sandi Hartwell, Steve Maislin, Susan Sabin, Ted Nyder, and Winnie Parker.

Gene Ho bravely biked to the party - other adverbs might also be used.

With the forecast for cold, windy weather and less than ideal road conditions, the planned ride to be led by Ken Hablow was cancelled, but the walk and party were to take place, as scheduled.  Marie and her dog, Zoe, led sixteen hardy walkers on a trail skirting Farrar Pond.  The trail consisted of iced-up snow.  Most walkers took Marie's advice and used traction devices.

During the walk, the cooks were hard at work in the kitchen.  Richard cooked/overcooked a turkey on the grill.  A week before the party, Marie discovered that one of the heating elements in the oven was not working.  Barbara Jacobs and Ted Nyder came to the rescue.  They cooked a turkey and a kugel at their house and showed up at 10:00 am with food in hand, including dozens of latkes that they had prepared Monday afternoon (with Judi Burten).

Barbra and Ted pretty much took over the kitchen and food orchestration, including various WW food contributions.  This was a welcome relief because Richard, who was recovering from a knee replacement, started fading as the day progressed.  When the walkers returned, the turkeys, as well as the many contributions of salads, side dishes, and desserts, were on the tables and ready to go.   As a special treat, Roy Westerberg brought an assortment of his home brewed ale.  After eating, Sander recited a prayer and lit the menorah.  This was followed by the traditional Yankee Swap.

It was great seeing some of the "old" WW faces, including Chris George and Mike and Mary Counihan. Thank you to all those who participated with their food contributions, to those who stayed behind and helped clean up, and, especially, to Barbara and Ted who, in Richard’s mind, saved the day.

Russ Keene's photos HERE

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