Monday, February 20, 2017

Whipple Hill and Arlington Great Meadows winter hike - February 15, 2017


Wednesday, 15 February 2017, Whipple Hill and Arlington Great Meadows winter hike
Hike Leader:  Tom Allen
~5 miles, 10:00 am start from Ixtapa Mexican restaurant, Lexington, MA

Hikers (3):   Tom, David Wean, and Jack Mroczkowski.
Present at lunch (2):  Bill Widnall and Mike Hanauer.

Unlike last year, when fifteen hikers tackled Whipple Hill, this year I was joined by only two.  Maybe it was the lack of bright sunshine that kept folks away.  The weather report had mentioned the possibility of showers, but none materialized until we were all home and at the supper table.

We encountered a fair amount of snow in the woods, but the trail was mostly well-compacted and the footing was secure.  There were some places where we departed from the well-traveled trails and had to slog through some nearly knee-deep snow.  We kept a brisk pace, completing the walk in about 2 hours 15 minutes.  This put us at the restaurant at about 12:20 pm, where the three of us had a congenial lunch.

As we were finishing our meal, my phone rang.  It was Mike Hanauer asking if we were getting close to the restaurant.  I had to explain that we were already there and we waved him in to join us.  A bit later Bill Widnall wandered in.  We all had a pleasant time, despite the conversation veering into politics.

I'm giving credit to David Wean for sweeping (because he asked for it).  I guess he made sure that Jack didn't wander off.

For anyone who is curious, here is the track of the walk with some photos embedded.

Report by Tom Allen.

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