Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Groton - Hollis rides - July 13, 2016


Wednesday, July 13, 2016, Groton - Hollis rides
Ride Leaders:  Lindy King & Brett Serkez
48 & 31 miles from  the Nashua River Rail Trail parking area, Groton, MA

Riders - 48 mi (8):  Lindy, Bob Apsler, Butch Pemstein, Curt Dudley-Marling, Dave Balaban, Rich Taylor, Robin Frain, and first-timer Philip Weiss.
Riders - 31 mi (12):  Brett, Bob Wilson, Chuck McWilliams, David Wean, Gardner Gray, Janet Miller, Jim Cant, Ron Beland, Roy Westerberg, Steve Bogue, and first-timers David Kobes and Ed Webby (?).
Present at lunch:  Helen Greitzer.

On a muggy, hot, summer’s morning, only a handful of WWs came to join the 48 mile Groton - Hollis ride.  They were all hardy riders and, with a small-sized group, we generally stopped to regroup at the tops of hills and at turns where there was a shady spot to be found.  Some of the riders voted for more hills, so we skipped the mile of dirt in Hollis for more climbing.  It was nice to grab a cool drink at the Monument Square Market and use the facilities in town.  We hogged the bench on the town square until the riders on the short ride rendezvoused with us.

We socialized for a while and then proceeded on the route where there were more hills in the second half than the first!  No one seemed to mind and there were many compliments on how nice the route was.  It was exceedingly hot when we returned to Groton and everyone quickly went for lunch or indulged in the A/C in their cars.

Many thanks to Brett Serkez for stepping up to lead the short ride option!

Ride report by Lindy King.

The 31 mile ride was beautiful, though hot and humid.  There were no incidents, mechanical or human, and the ride seemed to be enjoyed by all.  Four of us joined Helen for a delicious lunch at Filho's Cucina at ride's end.

Ride report by Brett Serkez.

Photos courtesy of Rich Taylor.

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