Monday, April 4, 2016

Whitehall Reservoir rides - March 30, 2016


Wednesday, March 30, 2016,  Whitehall Reservoir rides
Ride Leaders:  Alan Cantor, Kim Wach, & Ken Hablow
~19, 25, & ~38 miles, 10:30 am start from Cornell's Irish Pub, Hopkinton, MA

Riders - 19 mi (5):  Alan, Butch Pemstein, Susan Sabin,  and first-timers Darlene Mathews and  Nick Bojda.
Riders - 25 mi (11):  Kim, Annemarie Altman, Bob McCarty, Dick Harter, Frank Hubbard, Jim Cant, Patrick Ward, Rich Taylor, Selig Saltzman, Tim Wilson, and Tom Allen.
Riders - 38 mi (17):  Ken, Barbara Martin, Bernie Flynn, Bob Wolf, Curt Dudley-Marling, Dimitry Gorenburg, Dom Jorge, Elizabeth Wicks, Everett Briggs, Francie Sparks, Fred Newton, Gardner Gray, Gene Ho, Kaz Zelny, Richard Lawrence, Russ Keene, Wing Chow, and first-timer Ron Carter*.
Riding to the beat of his own drummer:  Eli Post.
Present at lunch (3):  A J Gemperline, Ann Northup, and Helen Greitzer.

19 Mile Ride

We were happy to welcome two new riders, Darlene and Nick, to the WW family. The leader is very grateful that Darlene joined, as she provided invaluable navigational assistance on many occasions.  Once again, this leader learned the lesson of doing a recon ride to gain knowledge of the route, prior to the ride.  In any case, the group was very forgiving and enjoyed a lovely route designed by Eli.

Thanks to the prospective arrows, none of which were called upon to serve.  Special thanks to Butch for his brilliant work as sweep - we did not lose anyone.

Report by Alan Cantor.

25 Mile Ride

Our ride began with two deer crossing our path on Granite Street.  After putting a few hills under our belts we made our first stop at Fiske Mill Pond, where we took a quick break and some group photos.  Then it was up the steady grade of Fiske Mill Road and continuing on into Upton.  We made another stop at the Upton State Forest and then passed Whitehall Reservoir (which we could actually see without leaves on the trees).

The route was hilly, but with very little traffic.  Thank you for being patient with me on my first time as ride leader (and sorry about the arrowing glitch at Elm Street).  Also thanks to all for arrowing and to Dick for sweeping.  Overall, a gorgeous day for a ride!

Report by Kim Wach.

38 Mile Ride

Seventeen WWs on the long ride had a delightful day.  Everyone commented on how nice the route was.  I kept getting compliments, but explained that Eli had created the route and I was just the leader.  (It would have been prettier if there were leaves on the trees.)

It was hilly, but there was nothing really steep.  There were a few long climbs, but we stayed together for the most part and took only one Geezer break.  Keeping the pace at a reasonable 13.5 to 14 mph average helped.

Thanks to Gene for sweeping and to Everett & Ron (?) for doing most of the arrowing. Thanks also to Eli for providing pizza after the ride.

Report by Ken Hablow.

I had nothing but positive feedback and wish to thank those who led and otherwise made for a fine day.  The Irish Pub is my home away from home, and I was happy to share this local treat.

Eli Post (rides organizer).


Ride photos, courtesy of Rich Taylor, available on WW Facebook page (below).

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