Monday, March 7, 2016

Estabrook Woods hike - March 3, 2016


Thursday, March 3, 2016, Estabrook Woods hike
Hike Leader:  Jack Mroczkowski
~7 mi, 10:00 am carpool from Trail’s End Café, Concord, MA
Hikers (3):  Jack, Allan Fierce, and Andy Lewis.

All participants reported first at the meeting point which was the Trail’s End Café.  With just one car driving to the hike start, we took the last limited parking spot near the entrance to the woods!  In the woods, we came across a notice reminding the public that all the Estabrook land is really private, but that some owners have generously conceded access to the public on designated trails.

We moved along at a brisk pace.  After two miles, we hiked a short distance on Estabrook Road in Carlisle before entering the Carr reservation trail off Bellows Road.  Shortly after that, we came across a remote dwelling deep in the woods which looked like a homesteader's cabin.  We wondered if it was still inhabited(?).  From there the trail soon took us to Two Rod Road (a trail) which formed the return part of our loop.  In total, we covered almost seven miles, some of which were on some delightful patches of tall old growth pine.

Lunch was taken at the Trail’s End Café where a table had been reserved for us.

Report by Jack Mroczkowski.

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