Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pot Luck Party for Brett and Andrea - April 8, 2015

Ride Leaders' Reports April 8th Pot Luck Party for Brett and Andrea

Leaders: Ann Northup and Richard Vignoni

Long time Wednesday Wheeler and ride leader Brett Serkez has moved to Indiana. Brett and Andrea Leopold, his new companion are visiting. This event was motivated by Brett's desire to see his friends and introduce Andrea to our riding group.  

With still unseasonable yet comfortable temperatures, Mother Nature granted us a window of good weather to get our 
ride in.  18 riders departed from Ann’s house warming up quickly as they biked up the substantial hill at the start of the 
ride.  With the entrance blockaded due to snow melt and runoff, we biked in the exit to Hopkinton State Park then 
walked our bikes around a metal gate to get into and another to get out of the park.  A short distance before the 24/16 
mile split, we regrouped to give riders an opportunity to take a shorter return but all opted for the 24 mile ride.  While 
only 24 miles, the distance proved appropriate since most riders had not yet logged many miles and, for some, it was 
their first ride of the season.  The perhaps understated hilliness added to the workout.  We did several partial 
regroupings along the way to tighten up the spread of the group.  At mile 19 we regrouped at what we thought was a fire 
station with several people using the facilities only to find out it was an office building (but it did have a fire engine in the
driveway).  The weather at this point had turned colder and it started to sleet.  We biked the remaining 5 miles back to Ann’s house.

Seven folks did Ann's 2+ hour scenic, wooded walk to and around Hopkinton State Park. Mid-way we stopped to acknowledge the spot where Brett fell after a crazy stunt on a mountain bike ride a few years back in his invincible youth.  Remarkably, riders and walkers arrived back at Ann's house at the same time for the pot luck party. Prior to the event, Ann had sent out a Google Docs link that allowed participants to sign up for their food contribution ahead of time in a way that everyone could see in advance who would be attending and what they would bring. Even though most people make these decisions at the last minute, Ann still found it helpful and hope participants did too. As always, the food was DELICIOUS. Everyone was VERY generous and thoughtful with their choices of purchased or prepared tasty, healthy, creative treats brought ready to serve. It was an additional bonus to welcome back Winslow Green from his recovery from lymphoma to a gathering of friends and good cheer. 

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