Friday, April 24, 2015

In and Out of Cambridge - April 22, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015, In and Out of Cambridge
Ride Leader: Dick Harter
30 miles,10:00 am start from Danehy Park, Cambridge, MA

Riders (12): Tom Allen, Elissa Brown, Don Buchholtz, Mike Hanauer, Dick Harter, Irv Kurki, Steve Miller, Dave Slade, Gary Smiley, Francie Sparks, Adena Schutzberg and a vigorous rider whose name the leader failed to get.

We gathered on a brilliant Spring morning, but noted that huge piles of dirty snow have not improved the appearance of this handsome park.  Mounting up, we skirted the Alewife T Station and took the Fitchburg Extension Trail into Belmont. We crossed through the Belmont historic district, around Waverly Oaks and up Mill Street.  We climbed up the back side of Belmont Hill and then went on up to the water tower in Arlington.  Zipping down Gray Street in Arlington, we then crossed over into Medford and Winchester, passing the Mystic Lakes and then following the Mystic River to Alewife Brook.  The brook trail brought us back to Alewife, and we spent the rest of the ride in Cambridge.  The stately houses on Brattle Street soon gave way to the bustle of the Cambridge Common and Harvard University.  We took Cambridge Street through Portugese and Italian neighborhoods, passed the massive new Cambridge Police Station and then returned to Old Cambridge via Broadway.  We rode through my neighborhood, with its wonderfully progressive politicians, and ended where we started.  My thanks to Adena for sweeping and to all the riders for safe riding practices.

Dick Harter

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Harvard Hill Ride - April 15, 2015

Ride Leaders' Reports April 15

Riders Short: Elissa Brown, Adena Schutzberg, Annemarie Altman, Clyde Kessel, Dom Jorge (leader), Francine Sparks (long?), Gardner Gray, George Strangberg, Jim Hsia, Ken Hablow, Patrick Ward, Rpy Westerberg, Selig Saltzman, Susan Sabin, Tom Allen, Winslow Green
Riders Long: Alan Cantor, Bernie Flynn, Bob Wolf, Brian OConnor (leader), Fred Newton, Herb Kavet, Judith McMichael, Kaz Zelny, Karen Saltus (sweep), Kim Wach, Lindy King, Richard Vignoni, Russ Keene 

Long Ride Report:  Not a huge amount to say really except the route was as advertised - Hilly!  The group in the most part stayed together stopping to regroup after each of the seven major climbs.  Lindy King dropped out after Prospect Hill due to work commitments, followed by Richard Vignoni before the ascent of Littleton County Road to head home and Francine (i think) took the option to cut short back to Harvard having completed the hardest of the 7 big climbs.  Thank you Karen for sweeping.  Excellent day out 

Short Ride Report: On a beautiful Spring day 15 riders set out on a 27 mile, somewhat hilly, very nice ride. There were no incidents/accidents & everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Great to have Winslow with us, who broke off for home in Bolton. Ken also split for home toward the end of the ride. Both had ridden to the ride, as did a few others. Clyde did his normal great job of sweeping, thanks Clyde. Brian had put the ride together, adapted, I believe, from a Pat Ward ride. He put me in charge of the weather. How did I do, Brian?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pot Luck Party for Brett and Andrea - April 8, 2015

Ride Leaders' Reports April 8th Pot Luck Party for Brett and Andrea

Leaders: Ann Northup and Richard Vignoni

Long time Wednesday Wheeler and ride leader Brett Serkez has moved to Indiana. Brett and Andrea Leopold, his new companion are visiting. This event was motivated by Brett's desire to see his friends and introduce Andrea to our riding group.  

With still unseasonable yet comfortable temperatures, Mother Nature granted us a window of good weather to get our 
ride in.  18 riders departed from Ann’s house warming up quickly as they biked up the substantial hill at the start of the 
ride.  With the entrance blockaded due to snow melt and runoff, we biked in the exit to Hopkinton State Park then 
walked our bikes around a metal gate to get into and another to get out of the park.  A short distance before the 24/16 
mile split, we regrouped to give riders an opportunity to take a shorter return but all opted for the 24 mile ride.  While 
only 24 miles, the distance proved appropriate since most riders had not yet logged many miles and, for some, it was 
their first ride of the season.  The perhaps understated hilliness added to the workout.  We did several partial 
regroupings along the way to tighten up the spread of the group.  At mile 19 we regrouped at what we thought was a fire 
station with several people using the facilities only to find out it was an office building (but it did have a fire engine in the
driveway).  The weather at this point had turned colder and it started to sleet.  We biked the remaining 5 miles back to Ann’s house.

Seven folks did Ann's 2+ hour scenic, wooded walk to and around Hopkinton State Park. Mid-way we stopped to acknowledge the spot where Brett fell after a crazy stunt on a mountain bike ride a few years back in his invincible youth.  Remarkably, riders and walkers arrived back at Ann's house at the same time for the pot luck party. Prior to the event, Ann had sent out a Google Docs link that allowed participants to sign up for their food contribution ahead of time in a way that everyone could see in advance who would be attending and what they would bring. Even though most people make these decisions at the last minute, Ann still found it helpful and hope participants did too. As always, the food was DELICIOUS. Everyone was VERY generous and thoughtful with their choices of purchased or prepared tasty, healthy, creative treats brought ready to serve. It was an additional bonus to welcome back Winslow Green from his recovery from lymphoma to a gathering of friends and good cheer. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring Butterfly Ride - April 1, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015, Spring Butterfly Ride
Ride Leaders:  Clyde Kessel and Butch Pemstein
Start from Clyde’s house in Carlisle
Riders - 26 mi (15):  Clyde, Andrea Clardy, Dave Slade, Dick Harter, Jacque Smith, James Hsia, Jon Clardy, Kaz Zelny, Patrick Ward, Rick Lawrence, Roy Westerberg, Susan Sabin, Tom Allen, Veronica Vedensky, and first-timer Feyza O'Connell.
Riders - 37 mi (10):  Butch, Bob Wolf, Brian O'Connor, Dom Jorge, Everett Briggs, Francie Sparks, Ken Hablow, Jack Donohue, Judith McMichael, and Selig Saltzman.

There were only ten of us doing the 38 miler, most of whom had the route on their GPS’s.  So, as leader, I could justify falling back, especially on the uphills, and I could count on our not getting lost, although some of us did occasionally overshoot a turn. The Sweep, who has eyes in the back of his head, was also able to ride in the middle of the pack – we switched roles from time to time.  Nice rural route, nice suburban route, some unexpected hills, and some well paved downhills. No accidents, no mechanicals, just a good April Fool’s Day ride.  Thanks to all the temporary ride leaders, the arrows, and to Rear View X-ray Vision Jack D. for sweeping in a truly idiosyncratic manner.   BDP

Thank you to Butch for being a co-leader, to Jack and Dick for sweeping and to all the loyal arrows.

More pictures on Wheeler Facebook page: