Wednesday, April 22, 2015, In and Out of Cambridge
Ride Leader: Dick Harter
30 miles,10:00 am start from Danehy Park, Cambridge, MA
Riders (12): Tom Allen, Elissa Brown, Don Buchholtz, Mike Hanauer, Dick Harter, Irv Kurki, Steve Miller, Dave Slade, Gary Smiley, Francie Sparks, Adena Schutzberg and a vigorous rider whose name the leader failed to get.
We gathered on a brilliant Spring morning, but noted that huge piles of dirty snow have not improved the appearance of this handsome park. Mounting up, we skirted the Alewife T Station and took the Fitchburg Extension Trail into Belmont. We crossed through the Belmont historic district, around Waverly Oaks and up Mill Street. We climbed up the back side of Belmont Hill and then went on up to the water tower in Arlington. Zipping down Gray Street in Arlington, we then crossed over into Medford and Winchester, passing the Mystic Lakes and then following the Mystic River to Alewife Brook. The brook trail brought us back to Alewife, and we spent the rest of the ride in Cambridge. The stately houses on Brattle Street soon gave way to the bustle of the Cambridge Common and Harvard University. We took Cambridge Street through Portugese and Italian neighborhoods, passed the massive new Cambridge Police Station and then returned to Old Cambridge via Broadway. We rode through my neighborhood, with its wonderfully progressive politicians, and ended where we started. My thanks to Adena for sweeping and to all the riders for safe riding practices.
Dick Harter