Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Around Farrar Pond hike - March 5, 2014


Wednesday, March 5, 2014, Around Farrar Pond hike
Hike Leaders:  Marie Keutmann & Richard Vignoni
10:00 am start from Marie's house, Lincoln
, MA

Hikers (10 WWs + 1 canine):  Marie & Zoe, Richard, Bill Ebsworth, Dick Harter, Gardner Gray Janet Miller
, John Nilsson, Mike Counihan, Sander Nydick, and Tom Allen.  
Present at lunch (3 eaters & 3 bikers):  Helen Greitzer, Jacque Smith, and Patrick Ward, as well as Bob Wolf, Clyde Kessel, and Rich Taylor (see ride report below).

We were hoping for a good snowstorm on Monday so that we could xc ski or snowshoe, but, without new snow, the only choice was to walk with traction devices.  We set out from my house onto the trail around Farrar Pond.  The trail, which was packed down by snowshoers of prior weeks, gradually became more uneven as the snowshoe tracks turned into just walkers' tracks.  We passed canoes and kayaks covered in snow, large trees felled by beavers, and then crossed a boardwalk covered in snow.  The usual route around the pond involves some bushwhacking, but, given the snow, we decided to walk up a driveway to Route 126 and then up to Route 117.  We crossed over 117 into the Mount Misery area and eventually made our way back to my house, passing over the dam at the end of Farrar Pond.
Hike report by Marie Keutmann.

Bob, Rich, and Clyde rode out on a beautiful cold day, one of those days which is cold enough to keep the roads clean and dry, but warm enough to be comfortable.  The 30 mile ride took us around Sudbury, Stow, Acton, Concord and, after lunch, back to Lincoln.  We violated, slightly, the 1 mile per degree rule but there were no complaints.  There were, obviously, no arrows to thank, but thanks are due to Bob for planning the route.

Ride report by Clyde Kessel.

Thanks to Bill Ebsworth for hike photos.

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