Monday, February 27, 2017

Lincoln Hike/Ride from Verrill Farm - February 22, 2017


Wednesday, 22 February 2017,  Lincoln winter hike
Hike Leader:  Marie Keutmann
~5 miles, 10:00 am start from St. Anne's in-the-Fields, Lincoln, MA

Hikers (13 humans, 2 canines):  Marie & Zoe (Labrador Retriever, Barbara Jacobs, Chuck McWilliams, Don Mannes, Elissa Brown, Janet Miller, Jim Cant & Logan (Rhodesian Ridgeback), Judi Burten, Mike Hanauer, Roy Westerberg, Sander Nydick, Susan Sabin, and Ted Nyder.
Present at lunch (2):  Edie Baxter and Jacque Smith.

On an unseasonably warm, sunny day we set off in the snow, across the marsh and open fields behind St. Anne’s.  Before we went into the woods, we put on our traction devices to help our footing on the snow.  We headed to Fairhaven Bay on the Sudbury River and enjoyed the view of the frozen water, then headed up the Andromeda Trail to the backside of Walden Pond.  On our way back to our cars, we walked past a field with horses behind a wooden rail fence.  A stray wire from the fence had fallen on the ground and turned out to still be electrified, shocking both dogs when they stepped on it.

Report by Marie Keutmann.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017, Winter Ride from Verrill Farm
Ride Leader:  Ken Hablow
33 miles, 10:00 am start from Verrill Farm, Concord, MA

Riders (23):  Ken, Andy Brand, Arne Buck, Barbara Martin, Butch Pemstein, Curt Dudley-Marling, David Fay, Francie Sparks, Frank Hubbard, Fred Newton, Gene Ho, Howie Davidson, John Allen, Lindy King, Margie Lee, Mike Byrne, Richard Vignoni, Rick Carlson, Rick Lawrence, Tom Allen, Tony Lee, Wing Chow, and first-timer Fred Vaughn.

It was a beautiful day with temperatures soaring to the low 50s, very little wind, and mostly dry roads.  Twenty-three riders set out on a leisurely ramble through West Acton and into Stow, along the Delany Water Project.  We maintained a nice pace of about 13.3 mph for most of the ride.  Several riders took off the front at a faster pace, and a few dropped back, which made the main group size tolerable.  We had one flat close enough to the end so most of the riders headed back instead of waiting.  Rick Carlson and Mike Byrne were nice enough to wait for us as arrows as the flat was tended to.

Most of the group stopped at Verrill Farm for lunch after the ride.  Thanks to Tom Allen for sweeping.

Report by Ken Hablow.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Whipple Hill and Arlington Great Meadows winter hike - February 15, 2017


Wednesday, 15 February 2017, Whipple Hill and Arlington Great Meadows winter hike
Hike Leader:  Tom Allen
~5 miles, 10:00 am start from Ixtapa Mexican restaurant, Lexington, MA

Hikers (3):   Tom, David Wean, and Jack Mroczkowski.
Present at lunch (2):  Bill Widnall and Mike Hanauer.

Unlike last year, when fifteen hikers tackled Whipple Hill, this year I was joined by only two.  Maybe it was the lack of bright sunshine that kept folks away.  The weather report had mentioned the possibility of showers, but none materialized until we were all home and at the supper table.

We encountered a fair amount of snow in the woods, but the trail was mostly well-compacted and the footing was secure.  There were some places where we departed from the well-traveled trails and had to slog through some nearly knee-deep snow.  We kept a brisk pace, completing the walk in about 2 hours 15 minutes.  This put us at the restaurant at about 12:20 pm, where the three of us had a congenial lunch.

As we were finishing our meal, my phone rang.  It was Mike Hanauer asking if we were getting close to the restaurant.  I had to explain that we were already there and we waved him in to join us.  A bit later Bill Widnall wandered in.  We all had a pleasant time, despite the conversation veering into politics.

I'm giving credit to David Wean for sweeping (because he asked for it).  I guess he made sure that Jack didn't wander off.

For anyone who is curious, here is the track of the walk with some photos embedded.

Report by Tom Allen.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Single Winter Treat - Callahan State Park hike - February 8, 2017


Wednesday, 8 February 2017, Single Winter Treat - Callahan State Park hike
Hike Leaders:  Margie & Tony Lee
~2 hours, 10:00 am start from Callahan State Park parking lot, Framingham, MA

Hikers (8):  Margie, Tony, Chuck McWilliams, David Kobes, Kim Wach, Marie Keutmann, Rick Carlson, and Susan Sabin.
Present at lunch:  Helen Greitzer.

The forecast was for about 50 degrees, but the woods hadn’t warmed up by the start of the hike.  We headed out on crusty, snow-covered woodland trails somewhat shrouded by patches of mystical fog.  It was warm enough for the lingering snow to melt from tree branches, creating a drizzly shower, but no one complained.  We hiked the periphery of the south side of Callahan Park, sharing some local lore along the way and stopping at the Bridge of Death (coined by mountain bikers), an uneven rocky crossing of a swampy stretch, for chocolate reinforcements.  We hiked through the drippy forest until we emerged on Tommy’s Loop, then up to the earthen dam where we were greeted with blue skies and sunshine.  We re-entered the woods, crossed the Pipeline trail, and hiked along a Sudbury Valley Trustees trail back to the parking lot.

Several of us enjoyed meeting up for lunch at The Chat with Helen.

Hike report by Margie Lee.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Walden Pond winter hike - February 1, 2017


Wednesday, 1 February 2017, Walden Pond winter hike
Hike Leader:  Judith McMichael
5 miles, 10:00 am start from The Food Project parking lot, Lincoln, MA

Hikers (11):  Judith, Chuck McWilliams, Clyde Kessel, David Kobes, Greg Stathis, Janet Miller, Maurice King, Mike Hanauer, Robyn Maislin, Roy Westerberg, and Tom Allen.

Present at lunch:  Francoise Bourdan.

Everyone was in great spirits for this winter hike, due to the lovely weather and the beautiful, fresh snow covering the brown winter ground.  We started our hike into Walden Pond State Reservation on Hemlock Path.  We visited the beaver pond at Heywood’s Meadow and counted seven beaver lodges!  We also saw numerous turkey and rabbit tracks in the fresh snow.  Despite the very low level of Walden Pond, due to several years of drought, one Wheeler thought he glimpsed Bill Widnall doing a swim in the pond whilst dodging the surface ice.

We enjoyed a nice break at the new Visitor Center, where a very knowledgable ranger provided interesting facts about the pencil business of Henry Thoreau’s family, as well as details about the beavers at Heywood’s Meadow.  The sun came out and we continued on to a very dry Goose Pond - at the eastern edge of the Reservation.  The group climbed Pine Hill and made our way around the new fencing at the top to enjoy an unobstructed view of Mt. Wachusett.  From there, Janet Miller led us back to the parking lot on a very pleasant, alternative route.  We passed by The Thoreau Institute at Walden Woods, a center for research and education focusing on Thoreau’s writings and philosophy on society and the environment.  Thank you Janet.

Seven of us made our way to the busy Trail’s End Cafe for lunch and were joined there by Clyde’s wife, Francoise.  A fine time was had by all.

Report by Judith McMichael.