Monday, September 30, 2024

Ipswich to Cape Ann - September 25, 2024


Wednesday, 25 September 2024, Ipswich to Cape Ann

Ride Leader:  Simon Lingard

34 miles, 10:00 am start from Ipswich, MA

Riders (6):  Simon, Adam Walpert, Ed Hill, Frank Aronson, Gene Ho, and Scott Mandell.

We all decided on the 34-mile route option and the group kept together the entire ride, without using human arrows, and maintained an overall 15 mph average.  The weather was cloudy, low 60s - perfect cycling weather.  We enjoyed country lanes, many of which were newly paved, and the magnificent ocean views along the Manchester and Gloucester coastline.  We stopped at White Beach to take the attached photo and had a rest stop at Stage Fort Park.

Five of us had post-ride coffee at Zumi's (sadly they'd run out of pastries).

Report by Simon Lingard.

Monday, September 16, 2024

From Concord to Westford and Around Keyes Pond0 - September 11 2024



Wednesday, 11 September 2024, From Concord to Westford and Around Keyes Pond

Ride Leader:  Ken Hablow

41 miles, 10:00 am start from Concord, MA


Riders (21):  Ken, Aiko Pinkoski, Barry Kaditz, Barry Nelson, Dave Balaban, David Goldberg, Frank Aronson, Gary Williams, Jim Whinfield, Julia Zhogina, Marc Baskin, Mark Friedman, Mike Hanauer, Renee Rees, Rick Lawrence, Scott Mandell, Simon Lingard, Stan Kay, Wing Chow, and first-timers Debra Mello and Ken Gray.


It was a gorgeous late summer day, starting ou8t a tad chilly, but temps got into the low to mid-70s with a light wind.  The first ten miles were the hilliest, not steep but definitely “up.”  There were different pace groups which caused us to split up a bit.  Once we got past these hills, we stopped to re-group.  The rest of the route was more rolling.  We all stopped at the Dunkin Donuts at mile 17, and then continued through Forge Village.


At mile 22 we had a big OOPS!  It seems the town of Westford had started paving some of their very lightly travelled back roads.  The road that we were supposed to take was closed.  I know the area well, so a detour was not an issue, other than the fact that it was not on anyone’s navigation.  I told the sweep, Rick, where we were going – he also knows the roads in that area.  We had been using sporadic arrows where absolutely necessary.  However (there is always a “however”), the lead group stayed straight at one bend in the road with a road to the right, so no arrow was left.  The second group took the right turn.  We all ended up in the same place, with only a half mile difference in the route, but it took us a while on our phones to figure all this out.  Once we regrouped, we were on the original route and headed out on the return to Concord.


When we left the Dunkin Donuts (before the detour), there were several stragglers that told us to go ahead, as they had navigation and did not wish to hold up the entire group.  Wing Chow rescued one rider from the confusion of the detour.  Others used GPS to get back onto the route.


All-in-all, it was a nice day and a good group.  Everyone seemed to like the route.


Thanks to Rick for sweeping and to all those who arrowed.


Report by Ken Hablow.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Pond Tour: Flint’s and Walden - September 4 , 2024


Wednesday, 4 September 2024, Pond Tour:  Flint’s and Walden

Ride Leader:  Barry Nelson

33 mi, 9:30 am start from Weston, MA

Riders (9):  Barry, Aiko Pinkoski, Aliza Edwards, David Goldberg, Frank Aronson, Harry Spatz, Ken Weber, Mark Friedman, and Wing Chow.

Present at lunch:  Helen Greitzer.

It was not a typical WW ride, since we did not use human arrows.  We were a relatively small group and all had the GPS route, except for Frank who left his Garmin device at home.  We stayed mostly together until returning to Concord center.  The leader (who had become the sweep because he was the slowest rider) created confusion about the rest stop location, leading to at least three separate groups from Concord back to Weston.

Helen made a surprise visit to join Harry and Barry for an outstanding lunch at Heirloom in Weston center.

Report by Barry Nelson.