Monday, December 25, 2023

Acton: Hike to the Trail through Time - December 20, 2023


Wednesday, 20 December 2023, Acton:  Hike to the Trail through Time

Hike Leader:  Janet Miller

4+ miles, 10:00 am start from Acton, MA


Hikers (22+):  Janet, Annemarie Altman, Barbara Jacobs, Betty Salzberg, Elsa Lawrence, Jack Mroczkowski, Jim Whinfield, Joanne Samuels, Judy Perrin, Julie Dodd, Kristina Leclaire, Marie Keutmann, Neil MacGaffey, Peggy Gelin, Sally Chapman, Steven Venizelos, Susan Sabin, Ted Nyder, Tim Dodd, Tod Cochran & his dog, Tom Allen, and Zach Woods.


In the hike description, I said that “there are places where the trail might be wet” as there was one short section of the trail that was very wet when I scouted the route.  However, after Monday’s intense storm, a better description might have been that “some places on the trail were dry.”


We hiked through the Spring Hill conservation area into the Nashoba Brook conservation area and the Trail Through Time (a loop trail on both sides of Nashoba Brook).  I had planned to cross Nashoba Brook on a bridge, but, although the bridge was fine, the trail on the other side was flooded and impassable.  So we stayed on the east side of the brook and saw some stone piles, which are believed to have been built by Native Americans.  We also saw where a pest house had been - where people who were sick with diseases such as smallpox were taken so they would not infect others.


Then we reached the site of a nineteenth century pencil factory, where we stopped for a break and some refreshments.  From there we headed back to our starting point on a winding trail, where, like everywhere else, there were numerous sections where we had to circumnavigate places where the trail was under water - that is everyone except the dog, who was quite happy to get her feet wet. 


Despite the challenges of negotiating the trail, everybody seemed to enjoy the hike.  Six of us had post-hike lunch together at the Atlantic Sea Grill.


Report by Janet Miller.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Lincoln: Off the Beaten Track hike - December 13, 2023



Wednesday, 13 December 2023, Lincoln:  Off the Beaten Track hike

Hike Leaders:  Marie Keutmann, 617 312 4739,

   & Barbara Jacobs,

~5 miles, 10:00 am start from The Pierce House, 17 Weston Road, Lincoln, MA


Hikers (27):  Marie, Barbara Jacobs, Barbara Martin, Betty Salzberg, Cynthia Zabin, Dan Nelson, David Wean, Elsa Lawrence, Emily Wean, Frank Aronson, Greg Stathis, Jack Mroczkowski, Jim Whinfield, Judy Perrin, Julie Dodd, Kristina Leclaire, Lynne O'Riorden, Mike Hanauer, Patrick Ward, Phyllis Evan, Renee Rees, Susan Broome, Susan Sabin, Ted Nyder, Tim Dodd, Zach Woods, and first-timer Rick Ward.


On a gorgeous sunny day, Marie and Barbara led twenty-seven hikers through open fields, horse pastures, backyards, and woods in Lincoln.  Highlights included traversing Flint Fields above the Flint Farm, which has been continuously occupied and farmed by the Flint family since Thomas Flint came over from England in 1636.  We stopped in the field above to look at rows of young American Chestnut trees which have been planted in an experiment to try to grow them in a way to be resistant to the fungus that destroyed most of the magnificent American Chestnuts a century ago.


A special treat was walking through a horse pasture, with galloping horses coming up to inspect us.  Then, on a stroll through the grounds of the Decordova Museum, we were intrigued by a crooked house made of wood and brick which slanted in one direction.


A dozen or so of us had lunch at Verrill Farm, eating in the warm greenhouse which we shared with many Christmas trees.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Hike from Echo Bridge to Waban Arches - December 6, 2023


Wednesday 6 December 2023, Hike from Echo Bridge to Waban Arches

Hike Leader:  Susan Sabin

6.5 miles, 10:00 am meeting in Wellesley, MA [hike start from Newton Upper Falls, MA]

Hikers (18):  Susan, Barbara Jacobs, Betty Salzberg, Cynthia Zabin, David Wean, Don Buchholtz, Elsa Lawrence, Frank Aronson, Janet Miller, Jeff Wallen, Julie Dodd, Marie Keutmann, Molly Schaeffer, Susan Broome, Ted Nyder, Tim Dodd, Tom Allen, and Zach Woods.

Present at lunch:  Helen Greitzer.

With light snow flurries flurrying and temps in the 20s, all eighteen of the hikers who signed up for this hike also showed up.  Once we got going, we all warmed up so much that someone mentioned it was a perfect day for a hike.  And indeed, it was.

The process of spotting cars worked seamlessly, and if we left someone behind, we’ll never know it!  During the hike, everyone stayed within sight and we were treated to two fabulous concerts by Ted Nydick, one under an arch of Echo Bridge and again under an arch of Waban bridge, which, except for the fact that one has seven arches and the other has eight, look like twins.  Indeed, they both came into service the same year:  1878.

Fourteen of us had a late lunch at the Echo Bridge Cafe, one of whom was Helen.  It was so nice to have her along.  And, it seems that a good time and good hike was had by all.

Report by Susan Sabin.

Photos courtesy of Zach Woods.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Hike from the Arlington Reservoir into Lexington & Winchester - November 29, 2023



Wednesday, 29 November 2023, Hike from the Arlington Reservoir into Lexington & Winchester

Hike Leader:  Jim Whinfield

6.0 miles, 10:00 am start from Arlington, MA


Hikers (14):  Jim, Barbara Jacobs, David Wean, Emily Wean, Frank Aronson, Janet Miller, Judy Perrin, Marie Keutmann, Marlene Heroux, Melissa Norton, Patrick Ward, Susan Linz, Ted Nyder, and Zach Woods.


A brisk, 30-degree morning failed to dissuade fourteen walkers from our appointed rounds through the Arlington Great Meadows (nearly perfectly flat) and the Whipple Hill Conservation Area (quite a bit less so).  Highlights included communing with the herd of goats at Wright-Locke Farm, taking advantage of the farm’s top-flight (and, thankfully, heated) restroom facilities, and inspecting the carcass of a 1952 Packard that has been left to molder away alongside a Whipple Hill trail.  A small herd of alpacas were also spotted, but they were much less interactive than the goats, so had to be appreciated from afar.  One hiker left the group about halfway through for an early luncheon engagement.  Seven people stayed for a very enjoyable post-hike lunch at the Roasted Granola Cafe, followed by a quick stop at Cookie Time Bakery, where many indulged in an after-lunch treat.


Report by Jim Whinfield.