Wednesday, 20 September 2023, Nightmare on Elm Street
Ride leader: Jack Donohue
33 miles, 10:00 am start from Bedford, MA
Riders (11): Jack, Allison Easton, Aviram Cohen, Barry Kaditz, Dave Balaban, Frank Aronson, Gary Williams, Renee Rees, Richard French, first-timer Marcio Silva, and one anonymous rider.
Well, unlike my previous rides, this one is not a tale of woe. First off there were only eleven registered riders, of which I was one. I offered a longer ride, to bag yet another Elm Street, and got three takers. I made sure they all had navigation and sent them on their way.
I then ensured that the sweep had navigation, as well as my phone number. I did my best to lower expectations, and gave permission to faster riders to go off the front, instead of keeping to my glacial pace and chafing at the bit. We lost another three that way. Since it was pretty easy to keep track of the five remaining riders, we dispensed with human arrows.
RideWithGPS navigation worked well, except for a couple of hiccups. As Yogi Berra said: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it” and we did. RideWithGPS is good about signaling turns, but only when the road name changes or the turn is acute. But the "off course" message came up and no one went astray for very long.
I was impressed with what a nice ride it was, if I say so myself, although the last bit going through West Concord and Concord was a bit busy. There were alternatives, but we had to get in those Elm Streets so we stuck to the program.
When all was done, we managed an average of 12.8 mph. I round up, so I'm still within the official 13 mph limit.
Report by Jack Donohue.