Monday, December 26, 2022

Island Cruise - December 21, 2022


Wednesday, 21 December 2022, Island Cruise

Ride Leader:  Alan Cantor

36 miles, 10:00 am start from Sherborn, MA

Riders (3):  Alan, Gerry Sheetoo, and Sue Amsel.

As the saying goes, “There’s no bad weather, just inadequate equipment.”  Three intrepid souls, with adequate gear, ventured out on a beautiful 30-degree day to tackle a nice 36-mile ride through the countryside.  We pretty much stayed together, regrouped as needed, and, gratefully, had no mechanicals.  All were glad that they made the effort and the ride.

Report by Alan Cantor.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Farrar Pond Loop Hike - December 14, 2022


Wednesday, 14 December 2022, Farrar Pond Loop Hike

Hike Leaders:  Marie Keutmann & Richard Vignoni

~4 miles, 10:00 am start from Lincoln, MA

Hikers (19 + 1 canine):  Marie and Richard, Zoe, Ann Northup, Barbara Jacobs, Christine Dudley-Marling, Curt Dudley-Marling, Frank Aronson, Greg Stathis, Hugh Folsom, Jack Mroczkowski, Kathy Halmi, Margie Lee, Marlene Heroux, Susan Broome, Ted Nyder, Tony Lee, William Feiring, and first-timers Judith Perrin and Sharon Ellis.

Present at lunch: Helen Greitzer.

Marie and Richard, assisted by their dog, Zoe, led seventeen Wednesday Wheelers on a hike along Farrar Pond.  The route featured water views, beaver dams, and kettle holes.  The new snow in the woods and the ice on the pond made the views especially pretty.  The recommended micro spikes were not needed and stayed in our knapsacks. 


Ten hikers went to Verrill Farm for a post-hike lunch and all were able to sit together in the greenhouse.  Helen surprised us by showing up for lunch.  

Photograph by Margie Lee.

Report by Marie Keutmann.


Monday, December 12, 2022

An. Indoor, Rainy Day Bike Ride - December 7, 2022


Wednesday, 7 December 2022, An. Indoor, Rainy Day Bike Ride

Ride Leader:  Alan Cantor

10:00 am start from (your) home

Lone Rider:  Alan.

With rain on the horizon, the leader decided to offer an indoor ride where riders could connect through the Discord app.  There were a couple of takers early on, but none could actually make it, so I rode alone on a Zwift route through Watopia.

Indoor rides can be a great alternative for us on days with inclement weather.  If there is interest, I am happy to schedule an indoor ride whenever the weather dictates.  Riders may use any indoor setup they have and use Zwift, Peloton, any other app, or no app at all.  Discord allows all of us to speak to one another (the group) and is easy to use.

Please be in touch with me if you are interested:   Note that this will not be an alternative to the regularly scheduled WW activity, other than on days when the weather (or road conditions) keeps us inside.

Report by Alan Cantor.