Wednesday, 23 November 2022, A Bike Ride from Revolution Hall
Ride Leader: Gene Ho
35.4 miles, 10:00 am start from Lexington, MA
Riders (11): Gene, Barry Nelson, Craig Tulig, Everett Briggs, Gerry Sheetoo, Maria Noya, Melissa Norton, Robin Frain, Stan Kay, and first-timers Jeffrey Wallen and Molly Schaeffer.
"Big tree down on Reformatory trail between Hartwell Rd and Railroad Ave in Bedford". Since the Reformatory trail was the first leg on the WW ride, Barbara Jacobs' text message to me, after her Tuesday AM walk there, was a concern. Things that impede car traffic raise immediate complaints and are typically cleared quickly. Obstructions to recreational foot traffic, not so much. Best to check it out, which I did on my bike, Tuesday afternoon. Not to worry. All chain sawed and hauled off to the side very professionally.
Eight of us started in Bedford with 4 or 5 others intending to join us in Concord. At the Concord end of the Reformatory trail Stan and Barry were waiting for us. Ken and Dom, who were also to join at that point, were waylaid by bike problems not amenable to quick fixes. Shortly thereafter we picked up Maria who, thinking she was late, had started on her own. Normally a fast rider, the hills slowed her down due to a maladjusted rear derailleur which wouldn't shift into the lower gears. Luckily, this was a quick fix. Splitting into faster and slower groups, we all re-grouped at Fern's in Carlisle for their much needed rest room and eagerly anticipated home baked cookies. With the noon sun in a cloudless sky and almost no wind, the temps rose, extending our planned quick stop into a very leisurely lunch.
But, no luck with the cookies. School in Carlisle let out early, before lunch, and the students descended on Fern's. With the line for cookies zig zagging around the food isles and the supply of cookies rapidly diminishing, even the math challenged could see that supply and demand were not going resolve in our favor.
Our return leg included a run down Monument St back to Concord. In car racing, the saying is "there is no replacement for displacement". The car with the bigger engine usually wins. On bikes going downhill, big guys go fast and tandems go even faster. Well, we had both. Guess which one is the big guy.
And here's the tandem.
The tandem led the way. The big guy tucked in behind and I took the rear. Easiest ride down Monument St ever. When I uploaded the ride to RWPS, I recorded a PB. I now hold the 1108th best time on that segment. big whoop.
With lots to do before the holiday, some couldn't make the start. As I left the parking lot, Rich V and Marie K rolled in on their bikes after doing the unpaved portions of the route. It's amazing how many very experienced riders haven't been on either the Reformatory trail or Battle Rd on their bikes. They found it fascinating, taking in many of the historical exhibits that line the route.
Eugene Ho