Wednesday, 21 September 2022, ABS (Acton, Boxboro, Stow) ride
Ride Leader: Ken Hablow
37 miles, 10:00 am start from Wayland, MA
Riders - 37 mi - (18): Ken, Annemarie Altman, Bill Umphrey, Bob Wolf, Curt Dudley-Marling, Dale Ferguson, David Cooper, Dom Jorge, Frank Aronson, Gary Williams, Gene Ho, John Aslanian, John Ho, Rick Lawrence, Rochelle Holman, Sue Amsel, Wing Chow, and first-timer Bill Furman.
Present at ride start: Helen Greitzer.
On the last day of summer, and the International Day of Peace (who knew?) fifteen of us started out on a 37-mile rolling ride, mostly on quiet back roads through Concord, Acton Stow, and touching into Boxboro. We met Curt and David in West Concord, and Rick in South Acton, to make a group of eighteen.
I offered a faster group to try to split the riders, but everyone was more comfortable staying together. Several of the faster riders went ahead, but always stopped to arrow for the rest of us. We pretty much stayed together, mostly within eyesight of the leader. We had two planned “personal hygiene” stops - our favorite fire station in South Acton and the tennis courts on Elm Street in West Acton. It was interesting to see how many times cars stopped at major intersections to let our whole group go through.
Riding back through Concord, several WWs, who either rode to the start or met us en route, left the group to head home. Four riders stopped at the Twisted Tree Café in Lincoln center for lunch. The rest of us took a scenic route back along Old Sudbury Road in Lincoln, past the infamous Ponyhenge, the extensive farm fields of Drumlin Farm, and a flock of free-range turkeys being fattened up for Thanksgiving at Codman Farm.
The day was enjoyable, cloudy with temperatures in the mid-50s. We even had a Kaz sighting at the top of Strawberry Hill Road. Thanks to Gene for sweeping and to all those who arrowed.
Report by Ken Hablow.