Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Too Cool for School Ride - August 31, 2022


Wednesday, 31 August 2022, Too Cool for School

Ride Leader:  Jack Donohue

31 miles, 10:00 am start from Bedford, MA

Riders (15):  Jack, Barry Nelson, Bernie Mango, Betty Salzberg, Bill Widnall, Curt Dudley-Marling, Gary Williams, Gerry Sheetoo, Hugh Folsom, Joan Fenster, Linda Nelson, Renee Rees, Sue Amsel, Ted Finch, and first-timer Gary Braver.

We had yet another perfect day for cycling.  In fact, it was even more perfect (grammar police?) than the day before, since the temperature was a bit lower and the dreaded humidity was down.  Nonetheless, I approached the ride with fear and trepidation since all the attendees had declared their average speed and it was faster than mine.  No matter, anyone in front of me was on their own and, as leader, I just had to make sure no one was abandoned and got lost.

My other concern was navigation.  Full disclosure:  I have no sense of direction.  Without my GPS I am lost, literally.  I pretty much never leave the house without my trusty RideWithGPS phone app.  I hadn't ridden the route since last year and I had a really sketchy idea of where it went.

What would happen if the leader got lost?  In days of old, all would be lost since no one but the leader knew the route.  Nowadays, with most riders having GPS, you can probably muddle through with crowdsourcing.

Everything was going just ducky, navigation-wise, when we encountered a detour in West Concord.  My GPS and I do just fine as long as we follow the prescribed route.  Stray off the little blue line and I might as well be in darkest Africa.  The RideWithGPS app has a new feature to reroute you when you stray off course, but I'd never used it and didn't want to try mid-ride.  Fortunately, not everyone is as directionally challenged as I am, and someone in the group found our way back to Laws Brook Road.

We passed the four advertised School Streets, though one was in fact a School Way.  Close enough.

Report by Jack Donohue.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Seabrook to Portsmouth - August 24, 2022


Wednesday, 24 August 2022, Seabrook to Portsmouth

Ride Leader:  Jimmy White

38 miles, 10:00 am start from Seabrook, NH

Riders (14):  Jimmy, Adam Walpert, Chris Schuch, Francie Sparks, Frank Aronson, Gene Ho, Gerry Sheetoo, Harriet Fell, Ken Weber, Renee Rees, Selig Saltzman, Sue Amsel, Susan Broome, and Susan Sabin.

The day was gloomy, with a dark overcast, as we began our ride, but there was a clear view of the Seabrook Nuclear Powerplant.  Hampton Beach, which we reached within the first mile, was not too crowded as a result of the weather, but the clouds quickly dissipated and the sun came out for the remainder of the day.  Unfortunately, the sweep soon had a flat tire and we decided to ditch him and Chris, as the route to Portsmouth was straightforward with no turns and it was too hot to wait in the sun.  We were reunited at Rye Harbor State Park and there were no further problems for the remainder of the ride.

To my surprise, few people were interested in the gorgeous botanical gardens in Portsmouth.  We agreed to spend twenty minutes in downtown Portsmouth, where we snacked, and it was agreed to have a post-ride lunch in Seabrook.

The return was a pleasant inland route that had little traffic, and I allowed a large gap to develop on a five-mile straightaway to let some faster riders have a fun sprint.  For lunch, some people went to Markey's, and six of us ate at the Tuna Striker Pub, a very elegant eatery which none of us had been to previously (but always with a wait to be seated).

A cross/ocean breeze for most of the day made for a near-perfect cycling Wednesday.   Thanks to Gene and Susan Broome for sweeping.

Report by Jimmy White.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Through the Woods (along the bay) and Over the River - Blue Hills and Neponset - August 10. 2022


Wednesday, 10 August 2022, Through the Woods (along the bay) and Over the River - Blue Hills and Neponset

Ride Leaders:  David Wean & Ron Beland

25 or 27 miles, 10:00 am start from Canton, MA

Riders - (18):  David, Ron, Adam Walpert, Bruce Barnett, Butch Pemstein, Cynthia Zabin, Emily Wean, Frank Aronson, Gary Williams, Gene Ho, Gerry Sheetoo, Herb Kavet, Julia Zhogina, Ken Weber, Maya Mosyak, Veronica Vedensky, and first-timers, Christine Talbot and Susan Amsel.

We had a nice romp through Milton, Quincy, Dorchester, Mattapan, Milton (again), and Canton.  We warmed up with a climb to the not-terribly-impressive-today overlook on Chickatawbut Road, then sped down the back side into Quincy.  Along that stretch one rider had an irremediable mechanical issue, and Ron stayed with them until they arranged transportation back to the ride start.  Butch volunteered to be the interim sweep, and we rode through Quincy, cruised Wollaston Beach, stopping at Marina Bay for a water view and restroom break, where we were rejoined by Ron who resumed his sweeply duties.

We crossed to Dorchester on the Neponset Bridge walkway and viewed the estuary from the paths around Pope John Paul II Park.  The Neponset Trail took us back along the "high speed trolley" line to Mattapan Square, from which we found our way back to the Blue Hills Reservation.

Seven of the riders chose to climb the access road to the top of Great Blue (0.9 miles, 400 feet of climbing), and eight of the group enjoyed a tasty lunch on the patio at Trillium Brewery, a mile and a half from the ride start/finish.

Ride report by David Wean.

Monday, August 8, 2022

August 3, 2022 - Circle the City & The Emerald Necklace -


Wednesday, 3 August 2022, Circle the City & The Emerald Necklace

Ride Leader:  Gary Williams

34 miles, 10:00 am start from South Boston, MA

Riders (7) Gary, Adam Walpert, Don Buchholtz, Everett Briggs, Gene Ho, Robin Frain, and Rochelle Holman.

Our petite group mustered at Castle Island for a unique tour of the Seaport, the North End, Charlestown (Bunker Hill and the USS Constitution), Back Bay, the Fenway, Jamaica Plain, the Arnold Arboretum, Franklin Park, Mattapan, the Neponset River Trail, Dorchester, UMASS/JFK, and South Boston.  We had only one incident, when a bus cut between riders at the back of the line and we lost Gene - he fell victim to the whims of RWGPS and made an early turn ahead of the group (we met up with him again later).  The route featured a mixture of paved trails, dedicated bike lanes, and city streets.  Notwithstanding the traffic, everyone made it back to Castle Island, without further incident, on a warm summer day.

Ride report by Gary Williams.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Westford Ho - July 27, 2022


Wednesday, 27 July 2022, Westford Ho

Ride Leader:  Clyde Kessel

37 miles, 10:00 am start from Bedford, MA

Riders (17) Clyde, Adam Walpert, Alan Cantor, Annemarie Altman, Barry Kaditz, Barry Nelson, Curt Dudley-Marling, Ed Hill, Gary Williams, Ken Weber, Linda Nelson, Marc Baskin, Ray Komow, Robin Frain, Rochelle Holman, Veronica Vedensky, and Wing Chow.

Present at lunch: Chris Dudley-Marling.

A beautiful day for a bike ride with dew point below 60.  It’s too bad that weather forecasters tell you what the temperature will be when it is really the dew point which determines whether you will be comfortable or not.  We had perfect attendance today with no no-shows.  And everyone was on time, even Wing, and Alan who said he would be late.  We even had three doctors from Children’s Hospital in the group.

The ride proceeded perfectly according to plan.  I didn’t even get any complaints about the surprise cut-through which Bob Wolf discovered 10 years ago and requires climbing up an embankment.  After the second rest stop, when the group was 3/4 of the way through the ride, it was starting to seem like nothing would go wrong (does that make a boring ride?).  But, the ride leader had forgotten to knock on wood and made a wrong turn, forcing almost everyone to go up an unnecessary hill (on brand new pavement, though) and then back down.

Seven of us stayed for lunch on the patio at Ken's NY Deli (eight, if you believe the rumor that Marc stayed for lunch at the waffle shop).  Barry jury-rigged the umbrella so it would stay open - until it suddenly didn’t.  It’s a good thing no one was hurt, because our ER doctor was busy stuffing himself with waffles elsewhere.  In the end, the ride leader left his water bottle behind on the lunch table but Chris saved the day by picking it up and, eventually, returning it.

Thank you to Ray for sweeping, and to all the arrows.

Ride report by Clyde Kessel.