Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sharon Cruise - August 25 ,2021



Wednesday, 25 August 2021, Sharon Cruise

Ride Leader:  Ellen Dirgins

38.5 miles, 10:00 am start from Sharon, MA

Riders (13):  Ellen, Adam Walpert, Alan Cantor, David Balaban, David Wean, Frank Hubbard, Gerry Sheetoo, John Ho, Richard French,  Tami Kellogg, Wes DeNering, Zichen Niu, and first-timer Anthony Schepis.

Wednesday was a hot day with high humidity.  It was a great ride and we all kept up a great pace despite the heat.  We regrouped at about mile 20 to decide if we should shorten the ride by 10 miles because of the high temperature.  The consensus was to proceed with the entire 38 miles.  I was happy to continue on as there were some great roads ahead. 

We stopped for lunch at mile 35 only to learn that you needed a mask to enter the restaurant.  From now on I will make sure I carry a mask in my bag.  Some of us had lunch, while others hydrated for the climb back to my house.

I am so grateful that there were no mishaps or lost riders.  This was my first ride as a leader and I have to tell you that I worried the night before that everything would run smoothly.  I have a new appreciation for ride leaders!

Thank you to Wes for sweeping and to those who arrowed.  Congratulations to our first-timer, Anthony - I do hope you join us for more rides.  And a huge Thank You to all who attended!  May the wind be always at your back, until we meet again!

Report by Ellen Dirgins.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sherborn to Norfolk - August 18, 2021


August 18, 2021, Sherborn to Norfolk

Ride Leader:  Alan Cantor

38 miles, 10:00 am start from Sherborn, MA

Riders (19):  Alan, Adam Walpert, Barry Nelson, Bernie Mango, Dave Balaban, Dave Pierson, Ellen Dirgins, Frank Aronson, Gary Williams, Herb Kavet, Jim Whinfield, Linda Nelson, Rochelle Holman, Tami Kellogg, Ted Finch, Wes DeNering, Wing Chow, and first-timers, John Ho and Zichen Niu.

This was a beautiful route from Ride Headquarters.  Wonderful and cooperative riders enjoyed the lovely roads and steamy weather.  Thanks to all of the arrows and, especially, to our sweep, Wes.

There was one minor mechanical that I am aware of - a dropped chain which was promptly and ably repaired by the sweep.

Thanks also to Patria at Ride Headquarters for her hospitality and for allowing us to park at the bike shop. 

Report by Alan Cantor.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Dover-Hopkinton Charles River Loop - August 11, 2021



Wednesday, 11 August 2021, Dover-Hopkinton Charles River Loop

Ride Leader:  Mike Barry

40 or 31 miles, 10:00 am start from Dover, MA

Riders (15):  Mike, Al Berardi, Alan Cantor, Bernie Mango, Catherine Widgery, Don Buchholtz, Ellen Dirgins, Gary Williams, Gerry Sheetoo, Joel Bauman, Jim Whinfield, Lindy King, Richard French, Wes DeNering, and first-timer Ann Whaley-Tobin.

I altered my long-standing 54 mile Needham West ride for a WW 40 mile ride.  This area is hillier than people realize and, due to the heat, we got pretty spread out, so we had three short regrouping stops in addition to a short fluid replenishment break at Out Post Farm in Holliston.  This ride also features a very-easy-to-do nine-mile shortcut (on the return at mile 30 in Dover center); this became key later!  


We had a flat tire early in the ride, at about mile 5, but the sweep, Jim, and the rider had tools for a repair, so the group continued on, with Wes stepping in as interim sweep.  They caught up to the group at Out Post Farm and the group continued together.  On the return, while crossing Rte 27 south of Sherborn center, at about mile 24.5, somehow one rider that was between the lead and sweep groups missed an “arrow” and headed off-route.  “Murphy” was ever-present in that the rider's phone (with RWGPS) wasn’t working.  His absence was noted at the regroup stop at mile 30, and we knew he wasn’t reachable since he had told us that his phone wasn’t working. 

Due to the heat and time of day, all riders except one (who self-navigated to the finish) opted for the nine mile shortcut to the parking lot.  I was very concerned about our missing, rider, so I took the shortcut and drove the course backwards to Out Post Farm to try to find our missing WW, with no joy.  Now really worried, I phoned the Hollliston, Sherborn, and Dover police to see if any cyclist accidents had been reported; thankfully none had!  When I returned to the parking lot, the missing rider’s car was gone so I figured he was all set.  We later spoke by phone and figured out which turn he had missed, but I am still mystified how that happened as he was between the lead and sweep groups.  He had, resourcefully, pulled into a business and asked them to print out a google map to the parking lot - he was there only 45 minutes after the rest of the group!  One lesson learned was that, even with human arrows, it may be a good idea for cyclists without any navigation or communication source (phone, device, map or cuesheet) to stick with a rider who does!

Thanks to Jim and Wes for sweeping. 

Report by Mike Barry.


Monday, August 9, 2021

Border Run Redux - August 4, 2021


Wednesday, 4 August 2021, Border Run Redux

Ride Leader:  Wes DeNering (ably assisted by Linda DeNering)

40 miles, 10:00 am start from Ashland, MA

Riders (16):  Wes, Linda, Alan Cantor, Barry Nelson, Bernie Mango, Betsy Kimball, Catherine Widgery, Dave Balaban, Ellen Dirgins, Joel Bauman, John Ho, Kaz Zelny, Linda Nelson, Rochelle Holman, Tami Kellogg, and first-timer John Kitchen.  [These are the riders who were registered for the ride.]

My wife, Linda, and I dusted off our old Border Run Ride from about eight years ago and rerouted a bit of it to bring it in at forty miles.  We like to have a party post ride, so we asked riders to only eat light snacks along the way or at Tangerini’s, the designated break spot.  Also, not thinking, I scheduled the start for 10:00 am - this meant that we’d finish somewhere around 1:30 or 2:00 pm, assuming no mishaps.


Sure enough, even though I’d brought (and ate) two granola bars, I was starving by mile 30.  I was not alone - the most common refrain I was hearing for the last ten miles was “Boy, I’m really hungry.”


Fortunately, we had no mishaps, largely thanks to our sweep, Alan Cantor, and our crack human arrowing team.  We got home by 1:30, got the grill going, and fed the fifteen or so riders that stayed on the ride.  Three riders jumped off the front and were never seen again, so they missed what was a very fun party.  The weather was just right for an outdoor deck party - about 75F, overcast, and, oddly, no bugs.  And, of course, the partiers make the party, and this group shined.


Henceforth, we will either start the ride earlier or rename it the Rumbling Bellies Ride.

Report by Wes DeNering.

Monday, August 2, 2021

South Shore Coastal Ride from Wompatuck State Park - July 28, 2021


Wednesday, 28 July 2021, South Shore Coastal Ride from Wompatuck State Park

Ride Leader:  Bernie Mango (assisted by Catherine Widgery)

28 miles, 10:00 am start from Hingham, MA

Riders (9):  Bernie, Adam Walpert, Catherine Widgery, Gary Williams, Gerry Sheetoo, Richard French, Susan Sabin, Tami Kellogg, and Wing Chow.

Rain jackets protected us against a slight drizzle as we left Wompatuck State Park to begin our journey to the sea.  The gloom encouraged a workmanlike pace and determined spirit as we rode the first few miles on well-paved country roads.  The mist began to clear as rural byways gave way to open water and shoreline drives.  The winds, freshening off the water, kept conditions cool and dry.  

We barreled through Scituate with a stiff breeze blowing us sideways through the narrow streets - the July sidewalks were empty.  A lollipop took us to Scituate light, where the last of the rain gear got stowed.  We had a joyful climb upon the great stone jetty before donning helmets for a brisk sprint, with Catherine, on her new Cannondale speedster, setting the pace to lunch at mile 18. 

We found Dribbles in an unremarkable strip mall where ice cream was piled high and the gaily-colored chairs overlooking a car park were plentiful.  Gerry, smiling broadly, posed for a photo holding high his triple dip pineapple-orange waffle cone, like the Olympic torch. 

Lunch chatter died down as the clouds parted and bright sun called us to our saddles.  The sun’s timely appearance illuminated the most beautiful stretch of coastline yet, miles of broad sandy beaches, rocky coves, and the smell of fresh caught lobster.  The lure of the surf at Egypt Beach, and the late appearance of a recalcitrant sun, were all it took for Tami to indulge in some salt water therapy, leaving us to cruise the final miles in sunny warmth. 

Special thanks to Gary, our sweep marshal, for keeping us together.

Report by Bernie Mango.