Wednesday, 23 June 2021, Witches and Pitches 2.0
On the same beautiful, cool, sunny June day, six of us set out a few minutes ahead of the short ride group. Being a congenial and compatible group, we generally rode together and, when needed, Beth would arrow and Gene would sweep.
We climbed up to Hollis the “quick” way, taking in the lovely Dow Road in Hollis and adding another climb. There we met up with the short ride group, hung out briefly, said our hellos and then goodbyes.
We passed Fulcini Vineyards on Pine Hill Road and it was generally gentle ups and downs until we got off of Witches Spring Road onto Rte 122 (briefly). We then took a right turn and looked up at the steep climb onto Hayden Road which took us over to the dirt part of the route on Rocky Pond Road. There was a screaming descent into Brookline. At this point Greg decided he was going to discover new dirt roads in Mason and beyond and rode on his own to Wachusett Station. The rest of us did some climbing up to Pepperell and as we approached the covered bridge, Dave caught up to us (having been late to the start and rode until he rendezvoused with us).
Then we were six again. It was a pleasant ride back through Groton to the Nashua River rail trail where we had started the ride. Several of us stayed and chatted for quite some time after the ride. A good time was had by all. The consensus: it was worth the drive out to Groton for riding on some beautiful, traffic free, scenic roads.