Thursday, November 28, 2019

Compass Rides & DBTD lunch - November 27, 2019


Wednesday, 27 November 2019, Compass Rides & DBTD lunch
Ride Leader(s):  Jack Donohue & John Allen
31 or 25 miles, 10:30 am start from Bikeway Source, Bedford, MA

Riders - 31 mi (14): Jack, Barbara Martin, Bill Wachur, Bob Apsler, Butch Pemstein, Curt Dudley-Marling, Fred Newton, Gerry Sheetoo, Kathy Horvath, Ray Komow (joined en route), Rudge McKenney, Russ Keene, Selig Saltzman, and Tom Amiro.

Riders - 25 mi (1):  John.

Present at lunch:  Clyde Kessel.

There was a bit of confusion about the later start time of 10:30 which had been chosen to sync up with the lunch reservation at Holi.  No matter, the early arrivers did a few warmup laps until the actual start time.

John had signed up to lead the shorter ride, but didn't get any takers, so he joined the rest of the group for the 31 mile version, with the option to bail if the pace didn't suit him.

There was some concern about whether we could complete the ride before the forecasted rain storm, but it did not materialize.  The ride proceeded smoothly, with most of the group staying together and not much arrowing needed.

The major issue was the pit stop. The usual one on this ride is the ball field on Griffin Road which is provided with one or two portajohns.  Unfortunately, these are taken in for the winter, so we needed to find an alternative.  Then I remembered our traditional stop across the street from the 4H fairground.  This has been a regular stop on Ken Hablow rides, and many of the group who were regular Ken riders recognized it.  So most of the group answered the call of nature, and we regrouped for a photo op before continuing the ride.

I made a minor booboo near the end.  We were heading into Carlisle center and I hadn't looked at the route, so I assumed we would just go through the rotary and back down Rte 225.  I usually go down Church Street at this point to avoid the rotary and the bad pavement in the center, so I did.  In fact, we supposed to continue through the rotary onto East Street.  So my group ended up missing two miles and one point of the compass (East Street).  Interestingly, my group was in the minority, as most of the others had GPS and were quite happy to mutiny and follow the route rather than the leader.

Most of the group went to Holi for the traditional Indian DBTD feast (turkey samosas?).  I had to bow out since we had a house guest.

Thanks once again to Butch for sweeping.

Report by Jack Donohue.

Today was a Grade-A day for a no-sweat, but not-uncomfortably-cold, ride.  Selig and I embarrassed ourselves by showing up early under the mistaken impression that the rides started, as usual, at 10:00 am (rather than 10:30), but that allowed us to browse in the Bikeway Source which, it turns out, is not only a bike shop, but carries a large selection of cross-country skiing equipment.

Returning to the parking lot as the time for the ride start neared, I offered to lead the shorter ride, but there were no takers, except myself.  I did manage to keep up with the rest of the group for about ten miles, but peeled off to take the shorter route back to Bedford and stopped to have a snack.  Timing was perfect, as the long ride caught up with me a couple of miles short of Holi restaurant.  I dined there with several others, but held to moderation and hoped that I had burned more calories during the expedition than I consumed at lunch.

Onward to Thanksgiving dinner!

Report by John Allen.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cisco, not Pancho - November 21, 2019


Thursday, 21 November 2019, "Cisco, not Pancho"
Ride Leader:  Curt Dudley-Marling
40 miles, 10:00 am start from North Bridge parking lot, Concord, MA

Riders (11): Curt, Barry Nelson, Bruce Barnett, Dom Jorge, Gerry Sheetoo, Kathy Horvath, Marc Baskin, Maria Noya, Rich Taylor, Rudge McKinney, and Wing Chow.

A tolerably cold ride, but it always feels like a gift to get in a ride this late in November.  No need for arrowing, although we eventually broke into two groups.  Barry Nelson kindly took on the role of sweep, enticed by the possibility of remuneration. 

There were ten of us at the start in Concord, but Rich Taylor managed to catch us at our “mandatory” stop at the South Acton fire station (this was Ken Hablow’s route after all).  We also stopped at Idylwilde Farms in Acton for snacks and warm drinks, although three riders decided to skip the food stop.

I called the ride “Cisco, no Pancho” because we were passing through the Cisco Systems campus in Boxborough.  Riding through the Cisco campus always reminds me of the 1950s TV show, the Cisco Kid.  Predictably, everyone over 65 got the reference.  The two younger riders did not.  In any case, many of us shared recollections of watching the Cisco Kid when we were kids.  We learned from Bruce that you can listen to the original Cisco Kid radio programs on Sirius XM. 

Thanks to everyone for making this a safe and pleasurable ride.

Report by Curt Dudley-Marling.

Photos courtesy of Maria Noya.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Desperate Wheelers - November 13, 2019


Wednesday, 13 November 2019, Desperate Wheelers
Ride Leader:  Jack Donohue
35 miles, 10:00 am start from Bedford Depot, Bedford, MA

Riders (2):  Jack and Gerry Sheetoo.

We had a spell of what the weather people are wont to call "arctic" weather.  Seemed a bit of hyperbole (hyperbolic?) since the temperature was around 20F, but of course they like to throw in the windshield factor (pun intended) which got it down to zero.  Pretty cold for November.  So I girded my loins from the hand-me-down collection:  jersey by Ken, jacket by Eli, arm warmers by Susan (well they used to be socks, but they already had holes in the toes).

The weather was enough to deter everyone but Gerry.  I came up with a bailout plan, if needed:  when we got to Carlisle center, if we weren't having fun, we'd abort the mission and head straight back to Bedford.  Riding into the wind at the start was not fun, but by the time we got to Carlisle we had warmed up and decided to carry on.

Needless to say, arrows were not required and Gerry gets credit for sweep and lone participant.  We had to pass by Wisteria Lane at least, which we did.  Gerry pointed out that this was almost exactly at the midpoint of the ride.  It's unclear whether the road came before or after the TV show.

Report by Jack Donohue.

Harvard/Fruitlands Museum lookout = November 6, 2019


Wednesday, 6 November 2019, Harvard/Fruitlands Museum lookout
Ride Leader:  Bill Ebsworth
35 miles, 10:00 am start from intersection of Central and West Streets, West Concord, MA

Riders (8+4):  Bill Ebsworth, Bill Wachur, Curt Dudley-Marling, Gene Ho, Herb Kavet, Rich Brown, Rochelle Holman, and Roy Westerberg, plus (starting in Harvard) Marc Baskin, Merle Adelman, Richard Vignoni, and Wing Chow.
Present at ride start:  Helen Greitzer.

We started with eight riders and then Roy dropped off at mile 10 (due to a prior commitment).  Upon reaching Harvard, we took a longish break to allow an additional four riders to join us, making it eleven WWs for the remaining twenty-three miles. 

Thanks to everyone who arrowed, and special gratitude to Gene for tireless work sweeping.

Report by Bill Ebsworth.