Monday, August 27, 2018

Rides from Verrill Farm - August 23, 2018


Thursday, 23 August 2018, Rides from Verrill Farm – aka Thursday is Wednesday
Ride Leaders:  Ken Hablow & Susan Sabin
52 or 35 miles, 10:00 am start from Verrill Farm, Concord, MA

Riders – 52 mi (16): Ken, Barry Kaditz, Barry Nelson, Bob Wadsworth, David Cooper, Dom Jorge, Frank Hubbard, Gene Ho, Marc Baskin, Ray Komow, Richard Vignoni, Robin Frain, Stephanie Shenton, Wing Chow, and first-timers Diana Munera and Eduardo Rodenas.
Riders – 35 mi (10): Susan, Arnie Zaff, David Fay, Gerry Sheetoo, Harriet Fell, Herb Kavet, Ilkka Suvanto, Jack Donohue, Jim Whinfield, and Richard Fortier.

After all the rain on Wednesday, Thursday was an absolutely delightful, late summer day.  We had a very slight sprinkle at about 10:30.  Ray broke out his new Pactimo rain jacket which we all thought was overkill.  It soon cleared up with temps in the mid 70s and low humidity.  The long ride took us through Bolton and Hudson, then over some very nice, quiet back roads in Berlin.  We stopped at a school on South Street in Berlin to use the “plastic tree” (aka porta-john – FYI, there are wood trees, plastic trees, and porcelain trees).  About a quarter mile later, we stopped for lunch in Berlin center.  After lunch, we rode back to Bolton, then through Stow and Acton, and back to Concord.  The group got pretty spread out, so we stopped several times to re-group.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable day.  It was especially enjoyable for me because, including my commute to Verrill Farm, I managed 100K exactly (62.5 miles) to complete my goal for the year:  logging 200,000 lifetime miles over 45 years.  CONGRATULATIONS, KEN!!!  Early in the ride we lost Marc Baskin, but near the end we picked up Greg Stathis.  Our newest rider, Diana Munera, was a delight to have in the group. Full disclosure – she dropped her chain twice and I told her that she had passed the WW initiation.

Thanks to Gene for sweeping and to all those who arrowed.

Report by Ken Hablow.

The weather was perfect, the ride rural and pretty, and, above all, just about as flat as one can possibly find in this area.  For that reason we ended up closer to 14 than to 13 mph.  Nonetheless, it was no problem for everyone to stay together all the way, giving no work to our sweep, Harriet, or to any potential arrows.

We had one flat and one rider who fell on the grass at the side of a road, with no injury to him or to his bike.  But, that doesn't mean that the next person who tailgates won't get hurt.  Careful all!

A great and convivial ride.

Report by Susan Sabin.

PHOTOS courtesy of Diana Munera, Jack Donohue, and ???

Long Riders

Short Riders 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Cape Rides - August 15, 2018


Wednesday, 15 August 2018, Dennis Beaches – Cape Cod
Ride Leader:  Larry Kornetsky, assisted by Joe Tavilla
36 miles, 10:30 am start from Chapin’s Fish & Chips parking lot, Dennis Port, MA

Riders (14):  Larry, Joe, Barbara Gaughan, Barry Gallus, Ed Foster, Fred Chase, Jim Campen, Marie Keutmann, Richard Vignoni, and first-timers Carol Houghton, Cliff Miller, Dan Hamilton, Lisa Miller, and Patty Williams.

Present at lunch:  Amy Kornetsky and Bernie Meggison (AMC bike chair).

After spending the night before, and morning of, the ride looking at weather reports and radar, the ride was a go.  Fourteen riders cycled the south coast of Dennis along several beaches, then turned north to view the bayside beaches.

 As we were heading north, a rider yelled, “Did you hear that?” - thunder in the distance.  We all took cover at the Dennis Library and a gazebo on the Dennis village common. The thunder and lightning delayed the ride for about thirty minutes, but there was no rain.

We continued on to the breathtaking views at Chapin Beach, followed by a regroup at Corporation Beach.  A couple of miles later, a text message from the sweep said “flat tire”- another delay.  With the help of Joe and Dan, the tire was fixed and we regrouped at Sesuit Harbor. By now it was 2:00 pm and three riders took off due to time constraints.  As we rode the final miles back to Chapin’s Fish & Chips, a rider yelled out, “Is it still Wednesday?”  Needless to say, I couldn’t stop laughing.

 We all made it back to the cars and had a great lunch sitting on Chapin’s outside deck in sunshine.  Thanks again to Joe for sweeping, to Barbara for the comedy, to Dan and others for the tire repair and the arrows, especially Fred who arrowed about 80% of the turns.

 Report by Larry Kornetsky.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Blue Hills/Neponset ride - August 1, 2018


Wednesday, 1 August 2018, Through the Woods and Over the River (and along the harbor in between) - Blue Hills and Neponset
Ride Leaders:  David Wean & Ron Beland
25 or 27 miles, 10:00 am start from Houghton's Pond, Canton, MA

Riders (16): David, Ron, Andy Brand, Bruce Barnett, Celia Donatio, Dave Balaban, Don Mannes, Don Buchholtz, Everett Briggs, Greg Tobin, Jim Whinfield, Nancy Cahn, Susan Sabin, Veronica Vedensky, and first-timers Patria Vandermark and Patty Grasso.

Under surprisingly comfortable weather conditions - given the recent heat and humidity plus thunderstorm risk - glorious, moderately paced cycling fun was had by all.  We started from Houghton's Pond over freshly paved and shady, forested roads and, in two miles, reached the only significant hill on the main route.  We paused there briefly, at the Chickatawbut observation point, for a photo op, followed by a fast, rolling, and long downhill.  After a short zigzag through suburban streets, we reached Quincy Shore Drive which afforded a view of Quincy Bay and the Harbor Islands.  A half-mile later, we turned into Marina Bay for a restroom break and view.

We then rode on back roads and a multi-use path along the river leading to the Neponset River Bridge, and crossed via a separated bike/pedestrian lane.  We connected to the Neponset Trail, meandering through Pope John Paul II Park, followed by the recently completed and astonishingly well-designed trail section leading to Mattapan Square.  From there, we snaked back to the Blue Hills via peaceful Blue Hills Parkway, eventually avoiding much of Rte 138 via a downhill along bucolic Green Street.  A brief climb led to the Hillside Pub, or the straight shot back to Houghton's Pond.  One third of the group took an energetic side trip to the summit of the Great Blue Hill before the Green Street section.  It is good to report that there were no mishaps or breakdowns.

Report by Ron Beland.

Photos courtesy of Nancy Cahn & Patria Vandermark.