Monday, November 28, 2016

Compass Ride & DBTD (Day Before Turkey Day) lunch - 11/23/2016


Wednesday, 23 November 2016, Compass Rides & Day Before Turkey Day (DBTD) lunch
Ride Leaders:  Jack Donohue & Larry Kernan
30 miles from Bikeway Source, Bedford, MA

Riders (25):  Jack, Larry, Andy Brand, Barbara Martin, Barry Nelson, Bill Lane, Bob Apsler, Bob Wadsworth, Bob Wolf, Curt Dudley-Marling, Don Mannes, Doug Hobkirk, Francie Sparks, Fred Newton, Gene Ho, Ken  Hablow (joined en route), Lindy King, Rich Taylor, Richard Vignoni, Roy Westerberg, Rudge McKenney, Susan Sabin, Tim Wilson, Tom Fortmann, and Wing Chow.
Remoted from home & present at lunch (2):  Bob Sawyer and John Allen.
Also present at lunch:  Mike Hanauer.

Like Foghat, I had promised a "slow ride" (, but then  Larry piped up and offered a faster paced alternative.  Of course, I figured my awesome charisma would prevail, but when the dust settled, two-thirds of the Wheelers present had defected.  Fine, makes my leader job a lot easier.  Barry volunteered to sweep, and off we went.  We stayed together for the most part, no arrows needed.  Whenever I saw Barry at the back in black, I would make the turn.  I used stop signs as a strategic regrouping mechanism, by actually stopping.

One surprising thing was that there was a lot more traffic on the back roads than usual (usual being virtually none).  Maybe there was a Black Wednesday which no one told me about, or maybe it was the hordes of working stiffs being released early from their dead-end jobs.

We ran into the fast riders at the Chelmsford Country Club - they had stopped for some reason, so we joined them.  I thought this would be an excellent opportunity for a group photo, but they had clearly already paused too long and resumed their ride before I had my camera at the ready.

We then enjoyed the new pavement on a couple of our compass points, West Street and South Street in Carlisle.  A couple of more smooth Carlisle roads, then back on Rte 225 for the home stretch.  I was somewhat remiss in not keeping track of folks towards the end of the ride - when we reached our cars, about half the cyclists were missing.  Susan called Don and ascertained that the rest had decided to go directly to the restaurant, so a search party was not required.

Thanks to Barry for sweeping.

Report by Jack Donohue.

Ken Hablow was supposed to lead the brisk paced ride, but he had a flat shortly after leaving Lincoln.  So I offered to lead the brisk group and Jack warned riders that there would be no arrows, no human arrows, and "no mercy" (my words).

Fourteen riders chose to join the group and we had a very enjoyable ride.  The weather was good - very sunny, little wind, and warmer than previous days.  We stopped at Chelmsford Country Club to regroup after one rider dropped his cell phone.  Jack's group nearly caught us at  that point and word has it that Ken almost rejoined the brisk group, but having already taken our obligatory photos, we got back on the road.

In the end, the group kept up a moderate pace of 14.6 mph and finished with a majority of our initial riders.  Then it was time for our Day Before Turkey Day lunch at Holi Restaurant.

In 1621, the residents of Massachusetts Bay Colony sat down with the Indians to celebrate the first Thanksgiving.  This past Wednesday, on the eve of Thanksgiving, 395 years later, the Wednesday Wheelers celebrated with an Indian feast.  [Editorial note:  Different Indians, you idiot!]

Fifteen of us enjoyed a great buffet.  Among the diners were honored guest, Bob Sawyer, who pedaled over from Carlton Willard on his 95th birthday(!), John Allen who cycled from Waltham, and Mike Hanauer who traveled about three miles from Carlisle in his automobile.

Report by Larry Kernan.

Here is a link to John Allen's video of Bob Sawyer on his electrically assisted tricycle:

Bob Sawyer
Bob Sawyer on his trike
Wheeler pace riders
Brisk pace riders sans Barbara
Brisk riders sans Larry

At Holi Restaurant

The birthday boy at Holi

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Water Row - November 16, 2016


Wednesday, 16 November 2016, Water Row
Ride Leaders:  Larry Kernan, Ken Hablow, & Jack Donohue

41 or 31 miles from Bikeway Source, Bedford, MA

Riders - 41 mi (13):  Larry, Ken, Barbara Martin, Barry Nelson, Curt Dudley-Marling, Elizabeth Wicks, Francie Sparks, Gardner Gray, Julie Dodd, Kaz Zelny, Rich Taylor, Tom Fortmann, and Wing Chow.
Riders - 31 mi (10):   Jack, Butch Pemstein, Chuck McWilliams, David Kobes, James Hsia, Kathy Horvath, Ray Komow, Steve Bogue, Tom Allen, and first-timer Tom Ennis.

The WW long group stayed together nicely and only deployed a human arrow once or twice.  The group showed good bike etiquette and singled up whenever "car back" was called.  However, our relatively large size did keep many vehicles from overtaking on the smaller roads.  Despite the weather, the cyclists enjoyed the route and the ride.

Eight riders enjoyed the buffet at Great Wall, especially the "all you can eat" aspect.

Report by Larry Kernan.

Larry enlisted me to help with this ride, which I was happy to do since it was close to home.  This time Larry and I actually did a dry run beforehand, so I would not be completely in terra incognita.

The weather forecast, which was pretty cheery the day before, had taken a turn for the worse.  Looking out my bedroom window and seeing that it was raining was a clue ("you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" - Bob Dylan).  Sure enough, NOAA was now saying rain in the morning and possible showers later.  But the prediction was for rain before 10:00 am, as if the weather gods had planned the day with the Wheelers in mind.  And so it was - I rode to the ride start pathologically early and got rained upon, but, by the time of the main event, it had stopped raining.

Butch showed up looking a bit tattered.  Seems he had an FDGB on the way over.  He, nonetheless, soldiered on and did the first part of our ride before returning home to lick his wounds.  Butch and I seem to be star-crossed riders - the last time he showed up for a ride of mine, he discovered that he had a flat tire.

It was good to see Kathy back on her bike, after a long sojourn on the wounded list.

Since we were a small group, I figured we could stay together without human arrows. Tom, our sweep, was pretty easy to spot, though yellow was definitely the color of the day (see photo).

We had to halt a couple of times when I got a "mechanical" alert, which turned out to be a dropped chain, quickly fixable.

We were an exemplary group, calling out "car back" and pulling in to let cars pass.  Gold stars all round. There was, however, one faux pas on my part:  when I'm in sight of Rte 2 and the light is red, I engage sprint mode so that I can be in range of the very short light cycle when it turns green.  Unfortunately, this doesn't work so well when you've got a bunch of other riders in tow.  This time, as I approached the intersection, green had just turned to yellow.  So, rather than slamming on the brakes at that point, I rolled on through.  So I got to wait on the far side of Rte 2, instead of at the light.  Bad leader, bad!!

Our planned pit stop at Lincoln Town Hall turned out to be too early in the ride, so we opted for a stop at the Visitor's Center on Monument Street in Concord, where we had our obligatory group photo.  Tom offered to take one that included your fearless leader, rarely seen.

Thanks to Tom for sweeping and being guest paparazzo.

Report by Jack Donohue.

The whole group at start
Short Ride Group sans Tom

Short Ride Group sans Jack

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Many Ponds - November 10, 2016

Thursday, 10 November 2016, Many Ponds
Ride Leaders:  Barry Nelson & Bernie Flynn
40 miles from Weston Town Hall, Weston, MA

Riders (17):  Barry, Bernie, Bob Wadsworth, Butch Pemstein, Dmitry Gorenburg, Dom Jorge, Francie Sparks,, Gene Ho, Julie Dodd, Kim Wach, Mike Byrne, Richard Lawrence, Richard Vignoni, Steve Carlson, Susan Sabin, Wing Chow, and first-timer Maher Elmasri.
Present at ride start & lunch (2):  Bill Widnall and Helen Greitzer.
Present at lunch:  Susan Broome.

Barry asked me if I'd rather lead or sweep the ride, so I agreed to lead.  Barry, who was technically the ride leader, acted as sweep.  We moved along at a reasonable clip and, aside from several missed turns (the bright, angled sun made it hard to see my Garmin), we followed the route.  There were a few regroupings and a geezer stop at Haskell Field about halfway.  Some riders dropped off, but the majority made it back to Weston in one piece and in one group.

There was a round table discussion of the election results, often interrupted by arrows.  Special mention goes out to Dimitry for his cogent analysis of Russian /US relations in the Trump era, and to Steve Carlson for his insight and experience with global manufacturing and the unlikely possibility of Trump being able to "bring back the manufacturing jobs."

Report by Bernie Flynn.

Needham, Dover, & Beyond - November 2, 2016


Wednesday, 2 November 2016, Needham, Dover, & Beyond
Ride Leaders: Susan Sabin & Tom Allen
27 or 41 miles from Cutler Park, Needham, MA

Riders - 27 mi (12):  Susan, Ann Northup, Chuck McWilliams, Dale Ferguson, David Kobes, David Wean, Don Mannes, Ilkka Suvanto, James Hsia, Jim Cant, Maurice King, and Stuart Kaufman.
Riders - 41 mi (16):   Tom, Annemarie Altman, Bob Apsler, Ellen Gugel, Everett Briggs, Fred Newton, Gene Ho, Kathy Horvath, Ray Komow, Roy Westerberg, Rudge McKenney, Selig Saltzman, Stan Kay, Tim Wilson, Veronica Vedensky, and Wing Chow.
Present at lunch (9):  Andrea Leopold, Barbara Jacobs, Brett Serkez, Helen Greitzer, Judi Burten, Larry Kornetsky, Margie Lee, Marie Keutmann, and Tony Lee.

This was a glorious day for a bike ride.  After scrambling for parking space (Cutler Park parking was nearly full when I arrived at 9:30 am), we started just a bit late.  We stopped at a porta potty at about mile 6 while we waited for the sweep.  He and two others took a while to appear - it seems they were sweeping some woman who was out riding on her own - talk about full service sweeping!

Lunch outdoors in Dover was a delight, except for the persistent bees (one of which got inserted in Dale’s mouth as he drank his water bottle) - ouch!!  The leader had to wrangle the troops outta there, sadly, before the next wave of riders who then benefited from the empty seats.

As promised, the ride was at WW speed: 13.4 mph according to my gps, and the group stayed pretty much together.  Thanks to Stuart for sweeping.  And, by the way, I cannot take credit for the weather, the roads, or the regular CRW route which I had simply downloaded.

Report by Susan Sabin.

The long ride set out, first crossing over Rte 128 at the site of new on-ramps on Kendrick Street, then on towards Dover via South Street.  We paused briefly at the divergence of the long and short rides, in case anyone wanted to switch (no one did).  Shortly after, one of our riders experienced a pneumatic failure that Everett (our sweep) dealt with.

There were some ups and downs, but nothing this group is not used to.  One hill slowed the leader, such that several riders forged ahead and distributed themselves along the route as forward deployed arrows until I managed to catch up.  It was all done in a very orderly fashion,

At the lunch stop in Dover center we met Brett, Andrea, and Helen, along with several other familiar faces out on different rides.  Susan's group had departed before we arrived.

I received many compliments on "my" route design.  Of course I deflected those to Susan and add my own on a most scenic ride.

Thanks to Everett for serving as sweep and to Ellen for schlepping the uneaten half of my sandwich back to the parking area.

Report by Tom Allen.

The third ride

Leader: Larry Kornetsky (because he had gps), Participants: Tony Lee, Margie

If you’re a mountain biker in the greater Boston area, you’ve probably heard of  Cutler Park in Needham. But many of us have never been there so this was an opportunity to explore. We started out when the road riders were leaving and headed onto a rooty trail behind the parking lot. After turning onto a double track we ascended up and down a few hills on single track, at some points quite close to Rte. 128. Eventually we found solitude in the woods and rode over a wooden causeway (boardwalk), followed the blue heron trail, diverting along the way for “playgrounds” with built up mounds, and past some teenage hideaways, emerging to city streets and an Entering Boston sign. Thanks to the gps we were able to reconnect with the blue heron trail, riding through Millennium Park, behind office buildings and through parking lots to emerge back where we started. Thanks to Larry for his expertise with Ride with gps, we thoroughly explored and enjoyed Cutler Park. It was fun to get together with the long road cyclists for lunch in Dover and to see Brett and Andrea.

Report by Margie Lee