Ride Report
Wednesday July 29 Up to Hollis
Long Ride
On a hot summer’s day a group of energetic Wednesday Wheeler riders converged at the Rail Trail in Groton. There were reports of traffic delays from many directions so we briefly waited for those stuck in traffic. The long and short routes were the same until we got to Monument Square in Hollis and the short riders decided to ride as a group and the long riders departed using human arrows. We departed and soon were coasting down Long Hill Road onto Hill Road (where there is no hill). We continued through Pepperell up Mason Road and probably the longest climb of the day and regrouped except for Julianne who rode in circles so as not to feel the ill effects of lactic acid in her muscles. Soon thereafter we rode into New Hampshire amid the tree-covered roads and Ridge Road - the only dirt road on the ride. Soon we were in Monument Square were everyone took refuge in the shade, purchased cool drinks at the market and sought out the facilities at the town hall. Thanks to Richard for buying a gallon of water and sharing with everyone. We waited some time until Patrick called Ilkka to see where the short riders were. Lindy convinced everyone to start riding again and that we did on the gentle downhill on Wheeler Rd (aptly named). After some climbing we crossed over Rt. 130 onto Rideout Rd. where we ran into Bob Wolf riding in the opposite direction. Soon thereafter we regrouped and traveled together to the only traffic lights on the route. It was nice that most of the roads were shady and there were finally some downhill sections. Finally, we climbed up Common St. and arrived back in Groton Center. Many riders opted for lunch at Filho’s Cuccina and I believe a good time was had by all!
Many thanks to Ilkka Suvanto for offering to lead the short ride option and to Jack Donohue for sweeping the long ride and being our intrepid roving photographer. Follow the link to the CRW Facebook page for pictures. My favorite is the one of Patrick, Bernie and Rick all wearing different CRW jerseys!
Ride report by Lindy King.
Short Ride
Riders(7): Anker Berg-Sonne, Elissa Brown, Janet Miller, Eli Post, Chris Schuch, Jacque Smith, Ilkka Suvanto
Seven of us left shortly after the larger, long ride group. We stayed together for a leisurely 26 miles at 12.3 mph average on quiet country roads. Uphills were slow but shaded and downhills fast and breezy at 30.6 mph maximum. After a comfort break at Hollis some of us rode hard for a fast 3 mile downhill run. Partly due to the heat and humidity we voted at mile 18 to take the Nashua River Rail Trail with no hills back to our cars. Smart decision. Great ride. Good lunch.
Ride Report by Ilkka Suvanto